いけるぞいけるぞいけるぞいけるぞいけるぞいけるぞいけるぞいけるぞいけるぞいけるぞ!!!!!! 1-0 #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
.@lazvell swiftly takes down two on the postplant clutch! 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
ZETAが勝つんだよ!キャスター陣勝利予想 OooDa「ドン!ZETA DIVISIONです。」 OooDa・yukishiro「「理由は?」」 OooDa「ZETAが勝つんだよ!以上です!」 yukishiro「そのとおりです」 clips.twitch.tv/ResoluteZanySt… #ZETAWIN #VCTPacific
#VCT #VCTPacific Superweek Day 3 Gen. G @GenG vs ZETA DIVISION @zetadivision Gen.G / ZETA共に勝てばPlayoffs確定 先にPlayoffsに進むのはどちらか⚡️ 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/D-XdqVFy59o 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
A 1HP ACE 😱 xffero played that to perfection! 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch @davidmichs | #VCTPacific
Duelist patt made a comeback and delivered the win in Split! Time to bring the action to Ascent! 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
Patt and sushi got their game faces on as @TALON_ESPORTS readies up 😤 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
It's a split desk for our first matchup, but @zetadivision gets a majority vote for our second 📝 #VCTPacific
【現地インタビュー】 「お前の試合見に行くから……」 #VCTPacific もいよいよ終盤戦! 🇯🇵ZETAにとって負けられない🇰🇷GENとの対戦が待っている そんな🇰🇷GEN所属Meteor選手から語られた盟友との思いをお届け Thx 2 U @Meteorvlrt @jasonsusantoo @MUNCHKING_ @Dep_ow esports-world.jp/interview/28961
#VCT #VCTPacific Superweek Day 3 次回 5/14 (日) の配信スケジュール📺⚡️ 17:00 ~ Rex Regum Qeon vs Talon Esports 20:00 ~ Gen. G vs ZETA DIVISION 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/D-XdqVFy59o 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
NEVER COUNT THEM OUT 💯 With their playoff hopes in danger with every match, @teamsecret showed up today and then some. After taking down the undefeated @DRX_VS, they're sending a message that they belong in the #VCTPacific Playoffs 💪
#VCT #VCTPacific Superweek Day 2 🏆MAP1 WINNER >> Team Secret @teamsecret 🏆MAP2 WINNER >> Team Secret @teamsecret 2-0 で Team Secret の勝利🔥🔥🔥 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/kQdENYDy0M0 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
.@teamsecret pulled it off! 😱 2-0 against DRX to hand them their first match loss of the season!🔥 #VCTPacific
#VCTPacific ZETAのプレイオフ進出条件(1/2)】 ・次のGen.G戦に勝利(5-4) →進出🙆‍♂️ ・GENに敗北(4-5) +RRQがPRX,TLNに勝利(5-4) +TSがDRX,GESに勝利(5-4) →RRQとTSが5勝で敗退🙅‍♂️ ↓リプライに続きます #VCT #ZETAWIN
Ice cold clutch from @lazvell! ❄ 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
Bindいくぞ〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1-1 #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
ZETA wants to take the action to Bind 😤 They take the Map 2 win and force a decider! 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
.@lazvell clicks 3 heads and ZETA finally takes the lead! 💪 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
一歩届かず、0-1。 2nd map: LOTUS!!! #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
Site lockdown with the ace! @SugarZ3roVL is now online 🔥 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
#VCT #VCTPacific Superweek Day 1 ZETA DIVISION @zetadivision vs T1 @T1 ZETA / T1 共にプレーオフに向けた重要な試合👊 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/DLeuQElrztY 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
New IGN buff? 😅 @Jingggxd takes home MVP honors after their 2-0 sweep win! #VCTPacific
T1戦、そろそろです。 #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
Paper Rex had their killer instincts turned on from the get go 🔥 They take the 2-0 sweep and secure Top 2 in the Playoffs! 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
We would like to apologize for the delays. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties. Our team is hard at work to resolve the issue as soon as possible. #VCTPacific