#VCTPacific Week 6 Probabilities of final placements in the Regular Season グループリーグ最終順位の確率 Standings/現在の順位: liquipedia.net/valorant/VCT/2…
It's looking like a toss-up for our first match, while everyone's rooting for the Adobo Gang 🍽 #VCTPacific
.@team_detonation and @T1 are the favorites for tonight's matches! #VCTPacific
The winning moment from our viewing party here at @SCAPEsg 🥳 #WGAMING #VCTPacific
RRQ STAYS ALIVE! They secure the 2-0 sweep and keep their place in playoff contention 🙌 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
something doing something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #WGAMING #VCTPacific
Big weekend coming up 💯 Mark your calendars, it's #VCTPacific Superweek!
#VCT #VCTPacific Playoffs Day 3 ZETA DIVISION @zetadivision vs T1 @T1 #ZETAWIN #ZETAWIN #ZETAWIN ZETAを応援しよう❤️‍🔥 Let's Gooooooooo!!! 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/IJUydH0_3ak 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
【独占インタビュ】 待望の1勝を勝ち取った🇯🇵ZETA 勝利の秘訣や、実は過酷だった練習環境など、試合直後にDep(@Dep_ow)選手、SugarZ3ro(@SugarZ3roVL)選手のおふたりにお話をおうかがいしました! #ZETAWIN #VALORANT #VCTPacific esports-world.jp/interview/27945
⚡『#VALORANT Champions Tour Pacific 2023』 Regular work🧑‍🔧 // @Dep_ow 📺Stream twitch.tv/valorant_pacif… twitch.tv/valorant_jpn #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
Talon comes home with the 3-6 record and a convincing win in Bind! 🙌 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
SHEEESH WHAT A MATCH 🔥 @DRX_VS takes the 2-0 sweep in quadruple overtime. They have yet to drop a map in #VCTPacific!
The self-proclaimed dark horse. This team from Japan is not backing down from anybody. Meet @team_detonation's official roster for #VCTPacific. DFM Reita DFM Suggest DFM Seoldam DFM xnfri DFM Anthem DFM takej #MakeWaves
Weekly Top 5 Plays: エピソード 9 VCT PACIFIC Week 9のビッグプレイ ベスト5を紹介します! #VCT #VCTJP #VCTPacific #MakeWaves
It's WWGaming for @pprxteam's debut! 📺 riot.com/VCTPTwitch #VCTPacific
#VCT #VCTPacific Playoffs Grand Finals Paper Rex / @pprxteam ライバルを二度倒し VCTPacific 初代王者となりました👑 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/PlSJarH3-EM 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
.@sssorn_clc OMGOMG It's Sorn!! 🇹🇭 #itssoarintime #VCTPacific
⚡『#VALORANT Champions Tour Pacific 2023』 HE IS VALORANTER 4K // @lazvell 📺Stream twitch.tv/valorant_pacif… twitch.tv/valorant_jpn #ZETAWIN #MakeWaves #VCTPacific
"The Universe Is So Much Bigger Than You Realize." 👁️ @smthlikeyou11 | #VCTPacific
Skill Challenges Ep. 6: PRX f0rsaken Check out your favorite players as they take on the #VCTPacific skill challenges that get increasingly difficult!
#VCT #VCTPacific Week 3 Day 2 Ace!!!💥💥 Dep選手 / @Dep_ow 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/wvdYcFaqS-E 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
#VCT #VCTPacific Playoffs Day 3 次回 5/21 (日) の配信スケジュール📺⚡️ 17:00 ~ Team Secret vs Gen. G 20:00 ~ T1 vs ZETA DIVISION 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/IJUydH0_3ak 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp
Paper RexがVCT Pacific王者となりました! #VALORANT #VCTPacific
#VCT #VCTPacific Superweek Day 3 Gen. G @GenG vs ZETA DIVISION @zetadivision Gen.G / ZETA共に勝てばPlayoffs確定 先にPlayoffsに進むのはどちらか⚡️ 📺配信チャンネル 🟣twitch.tv/valorant_jpn 🔴youtu.be/D-XdqVFy59o 🔵afreecatv.com/valorantjp