(҂◡_◡ ⁄ ¯ web.archive.org/web/2022052504… A current capture of the 637 Vendors still attending the @NRA / @NRAILA Trump tailgate 'n kegger in Houston Texas this weekend .. #RobbElementary #UvaldeMassacre 🇺🇸
.. *clears throat* .. A current list of the now 636 Vendors - still sponsoring - this weekend's #NRA / #NRAILA Trump tailgate 'n kegger in Houston Texas .. #Anonymous #UvaldeMassacre 🌐 s15.a2zinc.net/clients/NRA/nr… 🎭 twitter.com/YourAnonNews/s…
Perhaps if you spoke with #RobbElementarySchool Parents there filming and witnessing it all as it happened .. all of it .. 3 days ago @TxDPS director Escalon .. #UvaldeMassacre 🇺🇸
One day after .. #UvaldeMassacre 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 10 year old Girl Scout Amerie Jo Garza was posthumously invested with a Bronze Cross for Gallantry on 24th of May at Uvalde Robb Elementary - for attempts to contact Police on her phone as she and her classmates fell under assault weapons fire #AmerieJoGarza #UvaldeMassacre twitter.com/girlscoutsswtx…