Congratulations @donnypangilinan and @bellemariano02 titas are beyond proud to both of you. 💛 The Official Music Video for "Upuan", starring DonBelle, is out now! watch: youtu.be/Tscl1OFYTLQ #BenAndBenAndDonBelle #UpuanMVOutNow twitter.com/BenAndBenMusic…
UPUAN YouTube Ads Liwanag and Bubblies! ー We have prepared ads on YouTube to promote UPUAN MV, starring Donny Pangilinan and Belle Mariano! Ads will run starting on August 30 to September 4, 2021. If you happen to see it, take a screenshot, post, and tag us! #UpuanMVOutNow
𝐔𝐏𝐔𝐀𝐍 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐨 ー Instagram Feed and Story Ads The ads were prepared to promote the UPUAN MV ♡︎ Stream it on YT : youtu.be/Tscl1OFYTLQ 📅 Aug 30 - Sept 1, 2021 Don't forget to post & tag us if you see the ads! .* #BenAndBenAndDonBelle #UpuanMVOutNow
Ads will start running at 12 midnight!😉 Lets power stream Liwanag and Bubblies! UPUAN MUSIC VIDEO #BenAndBenAndDonBelle #UpuanMVOutNow twitter.com/titasofdonbell…
Congratulations, DonBelle and Ben & Ben for reaching 1Million views of Upuan MV on YouTube! UPUAN MUSIC VIDEO #BenAndBenAndDonBelle #UpuanMVOutNow
UPUAN MUSIC VIDEO streaming party hosted by TITAS OF DONBELLE OFFICIAL starts now. ⏰: 3:00PM — 6:00PM 🔗: youtu.be/Tscl1OFYTLQ Follow our streaming guide below. We'll post music video views update every 30 minutes. #BenAndBenAndDonBelle #UpuanMVOutNow