Does stepping down mean the exemption of punishment for Dr. Fauci in the pandemic either de jure or de facto?🤔 #COVID19 #ScientificMisinformationCampaign #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/zerohedge/stat…
Such Award will be proven as a pathetic joke, as all the propaganda & lies, e.g. nature-origin or US-origin, in the #COVID pandemic. There will be a justice tribunal finally, NOT ONLY to Xi Jinping & CCP, BUT ALSO to the compromised scientists & campaigns! #UnrestrictedBioweapon twitter.com/AAASKavli/stat…
@committeeonccp @RepJimBanks Xi-CCP and 🇨🇳 military - • One hand, weaponizing novel/existing pathogens as #UnrestrictedBioweapon • On the other hand, developing secret antidotes & vaccines • Advanced technology stolen or bought from 🇺🇸 is essential • Academic lies and compromise scientists are necessary
@disclosetv Dr. Tedros @DrTedros & @WHO should answer👇🏻 first: • Is it a “pure scientific” issue if Xi-CCP regime develops #UnrestrictedBioweapon #COVID19 🦠, then releases it on purpose in Wuhan? • Is it “geopolitical” to hold the criminals who killed millions accountable in the pandemic?
@marcorubio -No evidence shows functional 🇺🇸 bio-labs In 🇺🇦 for bioweapon development -Xi-Putin allies know how to manipulate weakness of democratic system to conduct propaganda -The evil goal is to bring separation, distrust, chaos, & finally ruin western civilization #UnrestrictedBioweapon
@TheInsiderPaper The best way to end the #COVID19 pandemic is crystal clear - end CCP regime and conduct the thorough investigation, involving 🇨🇳 military scientists and compromised scientists overseas! #UnrestrictedBioweapon