돌이킬 수 없는 진실, 모든 것이 어긋나기 시작했다 행복을 꿈꾼 남자와 정의를 꿈꾼 여자의 엇갈린 운명 <언더커버>⚡ 4월 23일, 오직 온라인은 티빙에서만! #언더커버 #UnderCover #지진희 #김현주 #티빙 #TVING 독점 공개
There's no need to go #UnderCover to steal our hearts...it was our CHOICE to give them to #ACE! ❤️But they'll be putting on a great performance on #SimplyKpop, so watch at 1pm KST!
우리 마음을 훔친 #UnderCover #심플리#에이스 #ACE 가 화려한 무대를 준비 중이예요! 어서 빨리 만나볼까요? 잠시 후 오후 1시! #심플리 로 놀러 오세요!
Honestly don't think #ACE needs to go #UnderCover to steal our hearts because they're performing on #SimplyKpop today at 1pm KST and...#heartsalreadystolen PS. Byeongkwan won ✊🖐✌️for the solo selfie!
If you think you've gotten enough of #ACE and their #UnderCover performance, YOU'RE WRONG. You can never have enough of ACE and their powerful performance!! So don't miss out on their #SimplyKPop stage today at 1pm KST!!