Ultraman Decker Final Tour: Journey to Blazar came to Taiwan! 『超人力霸王德卡最終巡演』來到台灣! #UltramanDecker #UltramanDinas #超人力霸王德卡 #超人力霸王帝納斯 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Ultraman Decker Final Tour: Journey to Blazar came to Hong Kong in Olympia City Mall! Meet & Greet and cinema event held with local fans! 香港粉絲,多謝你地支持! #UltramanDinas #UltramanDecker #UltramanBlazar twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
A new trailer for Ultraman Decker Finale: Journey to Beyond is released! The new giant’s name is… Ultraman Dinas! Find out more information: tsuburaya-prod.com/news/5717 #UltramanDecker #UltramanDinas #UltramanConnection
Ultraman stage tour in Asia Ultraman Decker Final Tour: Journey to Blazar Full schedule revealed! Read more: tsuburaya-prod.com/news/6153 #UltramanDecker #UltramanDinas #UltramanTrigger