launched in 3 days ago, #USDD is trading more volume than #LUSD and #PAX and ranks No.14 on @Uniswap!
I am seeding a #UST/ #USDD pool on @Uniswap! Come and Trade! 👀 etherscan.io/tx/0x8187136d6…
🙌Finally, the time is coming! #USDD on #TRON has been officially launched and entered into circulation! #Blockchain is now ushering into the Stablecoin 3.0 era led by #TRON-based #USDD! 🌎Decentralize everything centralized. twitter.com/usddio/status/…
🙌Finally, the time is coming! #USDD on #TRON has been officially launched and entered into circulation! #Blockchain is now ushering into the Stablecoin 3.0 era led by #TRON-based #USDD! 🌎Decentralize everything centralized. twitter.com/usddio/status/…
#USDD @usddio is live on #BNBchain and supported by @Ellipsisfi for 23-59% stablecoin APR! The return sounds 0 risk and stable to me! twitter.com/Ellipsisfi/sta…
📢Welcome to my Livestream tomorrow on the most decentralized #StableCoin #USDD in human history! Get ready! ⏰22:00, May 5, 2022(SGT) 🔻Platforms🔻 #Dlive Protocol YouTube: bit.ly/2ZhxgHN Twitter: @justinsuntron @trondao
Thanks for the feature @TheBlock__ I prolly won't call it a race but the Great Convergence in the Crypto Staple🪙 Honored to be co-leading this new effort and help establish a #ROBUST money across space🌌 & time⌛️ Say Less, Do More, Keep #BUIDLing #TRON #TRX #USDD #TRONDAOReserve twitter.com/TheBlock__/sta…
📢I will have a Livestream on #USDD. Let me take you through the most decentralized #StableCoin in human history. See you there! ⏰22:00, May 5, 2022(SGT) 👇Platforms: Twitter: @justinsuntron @trondao #Dlive Protocol YouTube: bit.ly/2ZhxgHN
Happy to collaborate with #UST and #LUNA! #UST #USDD pool will be awesome! 🤝 twitter.com/stablekwon/sta…
💸The @usddnetwork will provide custody service for the $10B worth of highly liquid assets raised from blockchain industry initiators and use them as an early-stage reserve. ⚖️The @trondaoreserve will set its basic risk-free interest rate to 30% per annum. #USDD #TRONDAOReserve
(1/5)🙌#TRON DAO joined hands with major #blockchain players to launch #USDD (Decentralized USD), the most #decentralized #stablecoin in human history. 💪 Today, we see the possibility of decentralizing the blockchain world’s most centralized territory.