🎬 today is Q44 for URMMA! may everything goes safely and smoothly for casts and production team ^3^🙌🏻 #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
thank you phi phi stylist for always making gulf looks good 🥹🥹🥹 #gulfkanawut #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
happy to see everyone enjoying food support 🥺🥺🥺✌🏻✨ #gulfkanawut #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
🍩 GULF Food Support 🥤 for "𝐔𝐑𝐌𝐲𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐮𝐩𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭" With all the love from 🇯🇵 🇹🇭 Phiballs. May GULF and all URMMA cast members have fun shooting 🤗💕︎ @gulfkanawut #GulfKanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #URMyMakeupArtist #PhiBalls #ลูกบอลของคุณบิ๊กกลัฟ (1/6) twitter.com/bester_mc/stat…
often see the fun and enjoying sides of p'janie and gulf, i forgot how they are actually professional actors and seeing them focused with the scripts really hits different 😳😳😳 #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
ch3 big project gulf, p'janie and มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ cut omg #gulfkanawut #กลัฟคณาวุฒิ #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
ohooo continuation of gatwa wedding scene today 🫣🫣🫣 #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
p'top with food support by gulf fans specially given for her at the shooting site 🥹🥹🥹🤲🏻 #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
they rented the whole mma centre for shooting the whole day today 👏🏻🙌🏻 "we have a film crew set to record a television drama series at our facility for the day" #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
plot seems interesting today 👀👀👀 i'll prepare my self 55555 goodluck gat !!! #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
stock up your tissues besties because what the :---------) #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
p'best igs ; shooting day for urmma today! may everything goes well 💄👏🏻💛 #gulfkanawut #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist
p'kai with gulf food support today 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist #gulfkanawut
Q50 today! omg everyone left for shooting really early in the morning i wonder wheres the shooting is taking place today ;-; all the best to URMMA team! 💄💄💄 #มัดหัวใจยัยซุปตาร์ #URMyMakeupArtist