Pleased to host in our Ministry Ambassador @volkan_bozkir, first Turkish citizen to be elected President of UNGA. Proud of Ambassador Bozkır. Wish him success in this historic assignment. Will strongly support him in all his endeavours. #UNGA75
BM Genel Kurul Başkanlığı’na seçilen ilk Türk olan Büyükelçi @volkan_bozkir’ı Bakanlığımızda misafir etmekten mutluluk duydum. Volkan ağabeyle gurur duyuyor, bu tarihi görevde başarılar diliyorum. Tüm çalışmalarında en büyük destekçisi olacağız. #UNGA75
Discussed preparations of #UNGA75 w/Ambassador @volkan_bozkir before his trip to #NewYork to assume the Presidency of the 75th Session of UN General Assembly. Confident that w/his experience Ambassador Bozkir will make a difference in the @UN.
📌Participated in meeting of #UnitingforConsensus Group for #UN Security Council reform. 📌 Working for a more democratic, representative, accountable, transparent and effective #UNSC. 📌 Will continue to state in every platform that "the world is bigger than five". #UNGA75
📌Attended VTC Meeting of Group of Friends of Victims of Terrorism. 📌Shared Turkey’s fight against terrorism and plight of families whose children were abducted by terror organization PKK. 📌#UN should carry out efficient programs to support victims of terrorism. #UNGA75
Congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the United Nations. Proud that Ambassador Volkan Bozkır is President of the UN General Assembly of the @UN at this moment. 🇹🇷🇺🇳 #UNGA75 #UNDay @UN_PGA
My brother @OJerandi FM of #Tunisia joined in Paris our trip to NY to attend #UNGA75 Meeting on #Palestine together w/FMs of Palestine and #Pakistan. Our Palestinian brothers&sisters will never be alone. 🇹🇷🇵🇸🇵🇰🇹🇳
Congratulations to Ambassador Volkan Bozkır, who successfully completed his term as the 75th @UN_PGA. I sincerely thank Ambassador @volkan_bozkir for representing our country in the best possible way & for his contributions to solve global challenges.🇹🇷🇺🇳 #UNGA75