My brother @OJerandi FM of #Tunisia joined in Paris our trip to NY to attend #UNGA75 Meeting on #Palestine together w/FMs of Palestine and #Pakistan. Our Palestinian brothers&sisters will never be alone. 🇹🇷🇵🇸🇵🇰🇹🇳
Filistin’de yaşanan zulmü en güçlü şekilde duyurmak için #Filistin, #Pakistan ve #Tunus’lu mevkidaşlarımla birlikte New York’tayız. In #NewYork together w/FMs of #Palestine, Pakistan and #Tunisia to denounce in the strongest terms the atrocities occurring in Palestine.🇹🇷🇵🇸🇵🇰🇹🇳
400m自由形でチュニジアのアハメド・ハフナウーイ選手が優勝 #チュニジア の18歳の新鋭が金メダルです。(丈) #Tokyo2020 #Swimming #Tunisia
INTERESTING FRIENDSHIP RENDEZVOUS TODAY-left to right in the photo are: Amb. CISS #Senegal, Amb. ESTIFANOS #Eritrea, Amb. KAMEL #Egypt (Guest of Honor), Amb. ELLOUMI #Tunisia (Host), Amb. SIAM #Palestine, Amb. ALDOSERI #Bahrain, Amb. ZAM #Kuwait, & Amb. ALFAHADI #SaudiArabia
Türkiye-Afrika Ortaklık Zirvesi kapsamında ikili temaslarımızı #Tunus Dışişleri Bakanı ile #Zambiya Ticaret ve Sanayi Bakanıyla görüşerek sürdürdük. Continued our bilaterals w/ FM @OJerandi of #Tunisia & Trade and Industry Minister Mulenga Chipoka of #Zambia. 🇹🇷🇹🇳🇿🇲