#Taiwan is a #TrueFriend to our allies around the world. Dozens of performers from #StLucia & students from across the globe took part in our #NationalDay festivities to highlight their countries’ vibrant cultures & celebrate our lasting friendship.
It was a pleasure to gather with good friends from the diplomatic community for the 198th anniversary of #CentralAmerican independence. As a #TrueFriend, #Taiwan follows through on its commitments, & is always looking for ways to contribute to the international community.
#Taiwan is a #TrueFriend and pledges to #LeaveNoOneBehind. 🚸 生命的價值,不在獨自贏得比賽, 而是與眾人一起達成目標。 💝「愛」只不過是一個字。 要有人親身實踐,意義才能體現。 你,就是那意義所在。 📩 臺灣值得一份邀請,值得一份席位。 🌏 我們從不落下任何人,@UN 也不能讓我們落單。 twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…