「Nintendo Switchプレゼンテーション2017」に須田剛一@suda_51が登壇‼︎ #TravisTouchdown #NintendoSwitch
No More Heroes III - dropping in 2020 as a Nintendo Switch exclusive!! #NMH3 #NintendoDirectE3 #NintendoSwitch #TravisTouchdown #SUDA51
Nintendo Switch専用ソフト「ノーモア★ヒーローズ3」2020年に発売!! #NMH3 #NintendoE3 #NintendoSwitch #TravisTouchdown #SUDA51
Nintendo Switch専用タイトル「ノーモア★ヒーローズ3」2020年に発売!! ノーモア★ヒーローズ3 - E3 2019 トレーラー youtube.com/watch?v=eLuLRD… #NMH3 #NintendoE3 #NintendoSwitch #TravisTouchdown #SUDA51
An important announcement regarding the Nintendo Switch exclusive title No More Heroes 3. #NMH3 #NoMoreHeroes3 #SUDA51 #NintendoSwitch #TRAVIS #TravisTouchdown
Artwork by Darick Robertson specially commissioned for for No More Heroes 3! #NMH3 #NoMoreHeroes3 #SUDA51 #NintendoSwitch #DarickRobertson #TRAVIS #TravisTouchdown twitter.com/Grasshopper_EN…
NintendoSwitch専用タイトル「ノーモア★ヒーローズ3」に関する重要なお知らせ。 #NMH3 #ノーモアヒーローズ3 #SUDA51 #NintendoSwitch #TravisTouchdown
ダリック・ロバートソン氏による「ノーモア★ヒーローズ3」描き下ろしのイラスト!! #NMH3 #NoMoreHeroes3 #SUDA51 #NintendoSwitch #DarickRobertson #TRAVIS #TravisTouchdown twitter.com/Grasshopper_JP…
Let's check incredible soundtracks of No More Heroes3 on youtube. These tunes are strongly supported by Nobuaki Kaneko. youtube.com/watch?v=KfV6XG… #NMH3 #NoMoreHeroes3 #TravisTouchdown #金子ノブアキ
Hnngg… ALMOST… THEREEEE… #NMH3 #NoMoreHeroes3 #TravisTouchdown
Da-da-da-daaa! (But not THAT da-da-da-daaa…) #NMH3 #NoMoreHeroes3 #TravisTouchdown
To commemorate the 15th anniversary of the release of #NoMoreHeroes, we're posting 15 pieces of art by 15 awesome artists (mostly) from the Alien-623 collection, specially commissioned by #GhM. Today's piece is by @inukai_muneo! #TravisTouchdown #Suda51
#NoMoreHeroes 15周年記念企画スタートです! 主には『Alien-623』に参加された凄腕アーティストの方々に15点ほどのめちゃくちゃかっちょいい作品を特別に描いて頂きましたので、本日より順次公開していきます。 第1号は犬飼むねお(@inukai_muneo)様の作品となります! #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
The 2nd piece of our specially commissioned #NoMoreHeroes 15th anniversary series is by @datbingsu! The Alien-623 project was lovingly put together by NMH fans, so obviously we had no choice but to poach each one of these amazing artists.❤️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
Our 3rd entry in the #NoMoreHeroes 15th anniversary series is by another superb artist from Japan, @rp_giojo! This is one of the more NMH3-heavy pieces, and I was personally stoked to see a cameo by one of my own favorite characters, Badman.😁⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
#NoMoreHeroes 15周年記念企画の第4号となる@akikazeshuu様の作品です! バッドマンやビーム刀、ジャケットはマジでイカシてますわぁ。👍 ※ちなみによく聞かれるんやけど、同じ眼鏡かけてんのってパクリとかやなくておもいきり偶然で、もう20年以上愛用してます!😅⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
#4 in our #NoMoreHeroes 15th anniversary series, by another rad JP artist: @akikazeshuu! Badman, the Beam Katana and the jacket look extra badass.👍 (Since I'm asked a lot: I've been wearing these glasses since like 2001; NOT ripping off Travis!😅⛰️) #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
#5 in our #NoMoreHeroes 15th anniversary series comes from the awesome @mattsuxomatsuo! This one features a more playful & cute vibe and really shows off the artist's own original style, and I dig the cameos from Shinobu & Maddi-I mean Bad Girl!✌️⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
#NoMoreHeroes 15周年記念企画の第6号となる、タヲごと@Taoyakanaeros 様の作品です! トラヴィスにピザ、ビール、バッドマン(パーツやけど)、トイレ、「さあ、狂い咲きの園へ」と呼びかけているような超サイケ的な雰囲気...いやあこれはもう言うことなしやろ!?👍⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
The 6th entry in our #NoMoreHeroes 15th anniversary series, by Japan's own @Taoyakanaeros! This one has it all: Travis, pizza, beers, Badman references, a toilet, and just hella psychedelia... I am DOWN.👍⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
The 7th entry in our #NoMoreHeroes 15th anniversary series, from @neko_hunsou! This piece features an old school-style rendition of everyone's favorite GODDAMN SUPERHERO, FU, & the homies. Luckily his name is short enough to fit in this tweet...😁⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
#NoMoreHeroes 15周年記念企画の第8号は『ALIEN-623』企画の主催者でもある、どんぐりこごと@donguricorosuke様の作品となります! 『NMH』シリーズ全作のパーツからなるトラヴィスとロゴ/登場キャラ集がなんかめちゃくちゃ懐かしい上、普通にカッコよ過ぎるやん🤩⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
#8 in our #NoMoreHeroes 15th anniversary series is by @donguricorosuke, mastermind behind the Alien-623 project! I'm dating myself, but the series-wide Travis collage looks like it could've been on Liquid Television back in the day, and I dig it👍⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM
#9 in our #NoMoreHeroes 15th anniversary series is by @koarikui_co from right here in Japan! The characters are hella cute & I keep trying to count them but end up distracted by the yummy-ass-looking cake... (I got 40, anyone else count more/less?)⛰️ #TravisTouchdown #Suda51 #GhM