Where have you all planned to go to this weekend? Please remember to travel responsibly for the cleanliness of our homeland. Also, please stay healthy :) #ลดโลกเลอะกับผลิต #เป๊กผลิตโชค #PeckPalitchoke #ReduceWasteWithPalit #TourismAuthorityOfThailand twitter.com/peckpalit/stat…
The beginning of today. Fun & very exciting. I'll take you on a trip. #TAT #TourismAuthorityOfThailand #ReduceRubbishxPalit 今日の仕事は始まりました。すごく楽しそうですよ。また見せますね #タイ国政府観光庁 #パリットと一緒にゴミを減らそう #เป๊กผลิตโชค #PeckPalit #ペックパリット twitter.com/peckpalit/stat…
Today I came to work with #TAT #TourismAuthorityOfThailand , to present Takuapa in Phanga province. See you soon but for now we must start the day with a full belly! #เป๊กผลิตโชค #PeckPalit twitter.com/peckpalit/stat…