TourBox Eliteという製品を頂きました。 お絵描きするするふたご @TourBoxJapan #TourBox
🇯🇵日本のWayZenNiの皆さん、こんにちは!僕たちはもうすぐ横浜へ行きます。そこで、横浜の名所やおすすめの場所を教えてほしいです🥰時間があれば行ってみたいです!皆さんのおすすめを待ってます!それでは、日本でお会いしましょう👋🏻 #TourBox #YOKOHAMA #WayV_TheFirstVision
WayZenNi Indonesia🇮🇩! (Kalian pasti udah tau kami mau ngomong apa, kan...) Iyaa, kami mau nanya saran untuk jalan-jalan di Jakarta~! Kami sangat bersemangat datang ke Indonesia lagi🥺 Sampai ketemu di sana yaa! #TourBox #JAKARTA #WayV_FanmeetingTour
WayZenNies in Indonesia🇮🇩!(You must have guessed what we are going to say...) Yes, we are asking for some tour advice in Jakarta~! Really excited to visit Jakarta again🥺See you soon there!👋🏻 #TourBox #JAKARTA #WayV_FanmeetingTour
สวัสดีครับ WayZenNies in Thailand😝As you might already know, we are going to Bangkok next week! We want to know if there's anything you can recommend us to visit in the city🧐If you do, leave a comment below and เจอกันที่กรุงเทพฯ ครับ😎 #TourBox #BANGKOK #WayV_FanmeetingTour
👋🏻WayZenNies in the Philippines~ There’s only ONE WEEK left until WayV’s fan meeting in Manila! At this moment, we would like to hear what you will recommend us to see or eat there🤩 So please leave a comment and we will SEE YOU IN MANILA💚 #TourBox #MANILA #WayV_FanmeetingTour
☺️WayZenNies! We are so excited for our fan meeting, and please recommend places to go or food to eat or just anything you want us to see in your city~ Can’t wait to see you all!💚👋🏻 #WayV_FanmeetingTour #TourBox #MANILA #BANGKOK #JAKARTA #YOKOHAMA #WayV #WeiShenV #威神V
朝のメイドさん☀️ #TourBox
OL 💞 draw a picture using the tour box. #TourBox #TourBoxElite
「プレゼントだよ」💝 #TourBox #TourBoxNEO
New feeling with Tourbox!! #TourBox #TourBoxNEO
「次はどんな絵を描こうかな」 #TourBox #PR
17 キャンペーン
【究極の左手デバイス】 動画制作の作業を劇的に効率化🤩 #TourBox Elite TBECA アイボリーホワイトを1名様に🎁 ➡bit.ly/3RN5X1A 応募方法 1⃣フォロー&この投稿をRT 2⃣「夜」をテーマにしたショートムービー(15秒程度)もしくは画像をリプライに 9/15まで‼️ 当選通知はDMにて📩
bruh...it's so fun to draw with my #TourBox┏ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ┛ I've been using the TourBox NEO for the past month with my Wacom Cintiq 16 read some of my thoughts below ⬇
#TourBox 투어박스 쪽에서 지원 협찬을 받아 사용 및 작업을 해봤습니다! 가장 편했던건 역시 휠로 브러쉬 크기를 조절하는 방식이였어요~!
투어박스로부터 제품을 지원받아 사용해보았습니다! 단축키도 편했지만, 브러쉬 사이즈를 휠로 조정할 수 있다는 점이 가장 매력적이었어요! #TourBox
Dyne(@DyneYoon) 작가님과 에디토리얼 디자인을 협업하였습니다 TourBox NEO 를 사용하여 제작한 아트워크 입니다 #TourBox
I got a cool new toy #TourBox, I have been using it since last week, it suits and fits well my workflow and that includes while making this illustration.