The Tokyo 2020 Paralympics begins! And so does the “NURIE” (colouring) collab between Tokyo Gov and IPC Special Ambassador/final city runner of the Paralympic Torch Relay #SHINGOKATORI! Colour in Katori’s artwork! # NURIEdeART_ Paralympics #Tokyo2020Paralympics
Share your colourful rendition of #SHINGOKATORI’s design with the hashtags below between 8/24 & 9/5. Messages of support for the Paralympics also welcome! The work selected by Katori will be announced online! #NURIEdeART_Paralympics #Tokyo2020Paralympics
Tokyo Gov’s “NURIE de ART” collab with #SHINGOKATORI is underway! Show your support by sharing your colourful rendition of the design using the hashtags below between now and midnight, 9/5. #NURIEdeART_Paralympics #Tokyo2020Paralympics twitter.com/sports_tokyo/s…