#東海道 から #東北 ・#北海道 を臨む。その北にはオーロラが広がる北極圏が。From Pacific Ocean looking north. #Tohoku, #Hokkaido, #Japan
Best wishes, #Tohoku! 春の到来を待つ #北東北 #秋田 #新潟 は曇っているようですが #青森 #岩手 #山形 #宮城 はだいぶ雪が少なくなりましたね。
Amy and I were honored to join Iwate Governor @tassotakuya to express our condolences for the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake. The United States will stand with the people of #Tohoku today, tomorrow, forever. #Remember311
Remembering Tohoku as I wake up today. #311 #5Years #Tohoku #Praying 🇯🇵
On this 12th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, our hearts go out to victims of the triple disaster. One year ago, Amy & I visited #Tohoku to remember the lives lost and witness the promise of brighter days ahead. We’re with #Tohoku every step of the way.
On this 12th anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake, our hearts go out to victims of the triple disaster. One year ago, Amy & I visited #Tohoku to remember the lives lost and witness the promise of brighter days ahead. We’re with #Tohoku every step of the way.
3.11 Will always be one of those days that you never forget! #Japan #PrayForJapan #Tohoku
Amy and I are visiting #Tohoku to see how communities are rebuilding and recovering after 3/11. First stop: #Kesennuma City Memorial Museum. Tsunami waves reached the 4th floor of Koyo High School. Miraculously, all of the teachers, students, and staff survived. #Remember311
東日本大震災から5年になります。改めまして、震災によって亡くなられ方々のご冥福を心からお祈り申し上げます。 全国の皆様、是非東北に遊びに来て下さい! 皆様が東北に来てくださる事が、復興につながると信じております。 headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20160311-… #Tohoku
🌱しあわせはこぶ旅 モッコが復興を歩む東北からTOKYOへ🌱 7月17日(土)17:30〜 YouTube/LINEでライブ配信決定❗️ 巨大人形モッコと共に、石川さゆりさん、Mummy-Dさんが東北の想いを歌で届けます🎤 #とうほくの幸 #Tohoku #Tokyo2020
Remembering #Tohoku! Praying for continued relief & healing!