#Today is the 222nd anniversary of the discovery of Ceres, the first asteroid found in 1801: the number of observed asteroids in the inner and outer Solar System is now beyond one million bit.ly/1VqmQf1
10 years ago #Today, the Space Shuttle Endeavour had its last flight. Here's a photo captured over Los Angeles, few minutes its landing at LAX buff.ly/2FOzM2j
20 years ago #Today, a strange object designated J002E3 was discovered. It was in a temporary orbit around the Earth. It turned out to be an Apollo 12 rocket stage launched in 1969 that had returned [read more: buff.ly/2NIA6yu]
74 years ago #Today, the transistor was first demonstrated by Walter H. Brattain and John Bardeen to their higher-ups at Bell Laboratories. It has since become the most widely manufactured device in history bit.ly/2kNRLs3 #HappyBirthdayTransistor
This is possibly one of the most awesome pictures taken on the Moon: Jack Schmitt, (the only scientist who practiced geology on another world), with the US flag and the Earth (plus Gene Cernan reflected in his visor), 50 years ago #Today go.nasa.gov/2iU2AYp #Apollo17
Born 103 years ago #Today, Isaac Asimov was professor of biochemistry, science popularizer and extraordinary sci-fi writer: he wrote more than 500 books and an estimated 90,000 letters and postcards buff.ly/2LgN6Pf [portrait by Rowena Morrill: buff.ly/3n85rf1]
46 years ago #Today, this iconic photo was shot at the first Shuttle showing: its name was #Enterprise [read more: bit.ly/2d8WnH5] #StarTrek
45 years ago #Today, the Shuttle Enterprise made its first free flight piloted by Apollo 13's Fred Haise bit.ly/1U5nZwz
“Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, Let Newton be! and all was light”
― Alexander Pope
#HappyBirthday #IsaacNewton
(born 380 years ago #Today)
[gif: buff.ly/3JrvMB4]
124 years ago #Today, Marie Skłodowska Curie discovered the radioactive element radium while experimenting with pitchblende, a common uranium ore bit.ly/2C7cnFJ
Born #Today in 1815, Ada Lovelace was mathematician and writer, chiefly known for her work on Charles Babbage's proposed mechanical general-purpose computer. She is often regarded as the first computer programmer
[read more: buff.ly/2Pop1Do]
40 years ago #Today, The Man of the Year in Time magazine was a non-human for the first time. A computer received the honour as 1982's “greatest influence for good or evil” bit.ly/2C7YmoM
50 years ago #Today, the crew of Apollo 17 took the iconic "Blue Marble" photo. The last time human eyes saw this amazing view from a spacecraft go.nasa.gov/2joIFBx
In Northern Hemisphere we're right in the middle of winter, but Earth is actually at its closest position to the Sun #Today at 16:17 UTC and we're 5 million km closer to the Sun now than we are in early July
[read more: buff.ly/3qTubLl]
This is the Great Daylight Fireball that grazed the Earth's atmosphere exactly 50 years ago #Today. The atmospheric pass modified its orbit, but it is probably still in an Earth-crossing trajectory and passed close again in 1997 bit.ly/2aYwgzS
Announced 22 years ago #Today, the Nokia 3310 is one of the most successful phones, with 126 million units sold worldwide. It's still widely acclaimed today and has gained a cult status due to its remarkable durability [read more: buff.ly/3cD1pMe]
This is the first acknowledged picture of M31 or the Andromeda Galaxy, taken exactly 134 years ago #Today by engineer and amateur astronomer Isaac Roberts bit.ly/2hs77xX
22 years ago #Today, while en route to Saturn, @CassiniSaturn made its closest approach to Jupiter. This view of Io against the gas giant's clouds was sent to Earth two days later go.nasa.gov/2ixxp3D
54 years ago #Today, three men were boldly going where no one had gone before. This is what Earth looked like in the Hasselblad photos taken more or less in the same hours, during the trans-lunar coast ow.ly/eCSA30n5c4p #Apollo8