If only leaders were as good as taking real action as they were giving speeches... then we would be way out of danger by now. @wef #TheWorldIsWatching
Every single day leaders have the possibility to act, and yet they actively choose not to. Instead they set up vague hypothetical pledges and commitments way into the future. No more excuses. @wef #TheWorldIsWatching
Our house is on fire, and words and promises will not put out the flames, no matter how beautiful they may sound. We have our eyes on you @wef #TheWorldIsWatching
#ClimateAction week2 カーボンニュートラルの宣言だけで、 満足しないでください。 私が求めるのは具体的な政策とその実行です。 今のままではティッピングポイントをむかえてしまいます。 #TheWorldIsWatching #ClimateStrikeOnline #FridaysForFuture #ClimateCrisis #未来のための金曜日