#TheUntamed 4th Filming Anniversary is approaching! The song remains, and the summer has never gone far. To celebrate this day and thank fans for their love and support, #TheUntamedDiscord is releasing 300 codes. Join our community interaction, fun activities and surprises!
#HappyJiangYanLiDay Beautiful, gentle, affectionate. Wishing the world’s best Shijie a happy birthday! Will she like a birthday gift from #WangXian 🤔? Send your heartfelt wishes for Shijie using #TheUntamedDiscord, and have a chance to be invited to our Discord server!
There are many unforgettable lines in The Untamed. Which one is your favourite and tell us why. Members will be drawn and invited to our #TheUntamedDiscord Community. #陳情令 #TheUntamed
Little Angel Wen Ning’s birthday is coming! Use #HappyWenNingDay to celebrate! Any heartfelt messages will be eligible for the 2nd batch of #TheUntamedDiscord. Also, #TheUntamed’s very own @Yubinbin_0703 who plays Wen Ning will bring everyone surprises. Please look forward!
Let’s share your favorite moment of the Untamed on #TheUntamedDiscord 👉🏻 The Lucky draw winner will receive an invite link to join our Discord #陳情令 #TheUntamed #陳情令 #Trầntìnhlệnh #ปรมาจารย์ลัทธิมาร
Classic scene of #TheUntamed: Sunshot Campaign The immortal sect was seriously hurt from Qishan Wen Clan's brutality and allied w/ Yiling Patriarch who overturned the tide of the war. Share the thrill you felt from this scene here #TheUntamedDiscord ➡️ discord.gg/theuntamed
今日は、シャオ・ジャンとワン・イーボーの「无羁」のレコーディングから3周年、この曲が流れると、あの素晴らしい夏の思い出がよみがえます? #TheUntamedDiscord コミュニティはまだ募集中!スレッドで思い出をシェアして、コミュニティに参加できる資格をゲットしましょう。youtu.be/NXOMU2TO7Ys
What are your opinion and feelings at the end of Episode 50? Let us know in the comments below with tag #TheUntamedDiscord. Members will be randomly selected to join #TheUntamed Discord Server. #陳情令
What are your plans for this beautiful weekend? Are you going out to enjoy the summer breeze like #WangXian? Share your daily life with us in #TheUntamedDiscord community 👉discord.gg/theuntamed PS: Feel free to save and use these #TheUntamed wallpapers! #陳情令
Thank you to everyone for all the amazing submissions for #HappyWenNingDay. Today, it’s the real deal… Happy Birthday to our little angel WenNing! Don't forget to chat with @Yubinbin_0703 who plays Wen Ning on #TheUntamedDiscord today 11th April 8PM (GMT+8). See you there!
Are you bored today? 🧐 Let’s come to play this game with us and share it in the comments below with tag #TheUntamedDiscord 🎉 Lucky draw will receive an invitation code to join our Discord! #陳情令 #TheUntamed
Spring is fast approaching and lessons at Gusu are about to begin. Would you like to study at Gusu this year? Here’s a test! Those with the correct answers will be invited to #TheUntamedDiscord. Good luck, disciples!
Seemingly innocent and ignorant, but planned all along. The Headshaker, Nie Huaisang's birthday is on 20th May. Send him your blessings in #TheUntamedDiscord, and amazing works will receive amazing gifts from us! Invite codes(100) discord.gg/6qfvj2bhcV #HappyNieHuaiSangDay
Attention, please! Dear fellow cultivators, #TheUntamedDiscord is ready to welcome you! The first batch of member invitation is limited to 𝟯𝟬𝟬 𝗺𝗲𝗺𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘀. Please read the following details on how to enroll. We look forward to having you here! #陈情令 #TheUntamed
参加できればうれしいです!よろしくお願いいたします! 絵を描いてます~ #TheUntamedDiscord #TheUntamed @NSMG_TheUntamed
#HappyNieHuaiSangDay is fast approaching! Director Nie wants to test everyone's understanding of #TheUntamed 😉 Answer the following questions below. Members with the correct answers will be invited to #TheUntamedDiscord. Looking forward to your participation 📝 !
温寧の誕生日が近い! タグ#HappyWenNingDay でお祝いしてください!どんな形でもいいので、もし私たちを感動させてくれたら、#TheUntamedDiscord コミュニティへの2度目の参加権を差し上げます!さらに、#TheUntamed 温寧演じる@Yubinbin_0703さんもサプライズを用意していますので、お楽しみに! twitter.com/NSMG_TheUntame…