A little firefly illuminates the roads between Mount Dafan. Please exercise caution when you go on your night-hunt. #TheUntamed official mobile game is coming soon! *Testing period does not represent final quality. #陈情令 #MobileGame
Wei Wuxian cross dressing video #TheUntamed #WeiWuxian #XiaoZhan #肖战 Cr 偏颇限定
The Untamed [Ep 27] The rainy night: I would rather fight with you, if I die, at least will be killed by you, Hanguang Jun, without regret. Cr 阿墨cccc & 知了没睡好zz #TheUntamed #WangXian #LanWangji #WeiWuxian #WeiYing #LanZhan
Have the dream I had before (5/5) Created by: Yinxingshashou Translated by: BJYXWORKSHOP CR: WB / 隐形鲨手 Original Post: m.weibo.cn/7476410515/476… #bjyx #YIZHAN #博君一肖 #TheUntamed #陈情令 #忘羡
Medvedeva has recognized Wang Yibo and The Untamed from QiShi #TheUntamed #WangYibo
#SummerTimeOfTheUntamed - 「外に出かけたいな〜〜〜」 「じゃあ、連れて行こう」 ❤️ - #TheUntamed1st #theuntamed1stanniversary #陳情令 #TheUntamed #CQL #魏無羨 #藍忘機
2016.09.28—2020.09.28 シャオジャン デビュー4周年おめでとう🎊 どんな困難にあっても諦めず、夢に向かって進んでいる君に、感謝の気持ちを伝えたい。 今後も、よろしく! CR:HemiaSweet Tiamo_长安 #肖戦 #XiaoZhan #シャオ・ジャン #陳情令 #TheUntamed #FourYearsWithXiaoZhan
#陳情令 中国放送一周年!おめでとう🎊 「是か非かは自分で判断し、名声の良し悪しは他人に評判され、得失は論じない。」自分なりの道を歩いている少年よ、順調で、幸せできるように🍃 CR:可归弋 #陳情令 #シャオ・ジャン #魏無羨 #ウェイ・ウーシェン  #TheUntamed #肖戦