Last night was truly something special. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to our players and #TheGameAwards for naming Apex Legends Best Multiplayer. ❤
#TheGameAwards に参加してきました🏅残念ながらBestMobleGameの受賞はなりませんでしたが、チームにとって素晴らしい経験になりました。たくさんのご投票とご声援、本当にありがとうございました!! 受賞された皆様、おめでとうございます!!👏 #thatskygame
Watch the #Cyberpunk2077-inspired music video for @Grimezsz's 4ÆM, which accompanied her live performance at #TheGameAwards! youtube.com/watch?v=mrZC1J…
“The Game Awards 2020”ノミネート作が発表 『あつ森』『FF7 リメイク』『ゴースト・オブ・ツシマ』『ラスアス2』などがGame of The Year候補作に #TheGameAwards famitsu.com/news/202011/19…
Hades is up for these honors in #TheGameAwards: ⭐️Game of the Year ⭐️Best Game Direction ⭐️Best Narrative ⭐️Best Art Direction ⭐️Best Score & Music ⭐️Best Performance (@glancingonhuman) ⭐️Best Independent Game ⭐️Best Action Game Vote for the winners! thegameawards.com/nominees
今年の #TheGameAwards のBest RPG部門に我らが『#ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤル』がノミネート! ミンナ応援よろしく! #P5R thegameawards.com/nominees twitter.com/Atlus_West/sta…
Thank you to everyone who helped #HadesGame make it to Round 2 in the Players Voice voting for #TheGameAwards!! You now can choose up to five games to advance to the final round, as well as see the current standings, right here: thegameawards.com/brackets/playe…
We made it to the final round, thanks to you!! That’s like getting all the way to the surface. Well, time to see just how far we can go in this final fight. *guitar music intensifies* #HadesGame #TheGameAwards twitter.com/geoffkeighley/…
今週末の #TheGameAwards Pre-Showにて #ニーアレプリカント V1.22の最新映像が放映される予定です。生放送は日本時間12/11(金)朝8:30から。お楽しみに。 #NieR #ニーア twitter.com/thegameawards/…
Get Hades for 🔥20% off🔥 right now in #TheGameAwards sale on @Steam!! store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Ha… Our game has been nominated in eight categories in tomorrow's big event, including Game of the Year! #HadesGame
A new #SmashBrosUltimate fighter will be revealed at #TheGameAwards tonight.
Esta noche en #TheGameAwards se revelará un nuevo luchador de Super #SmashBrosUltimate.
A new #SmashBrosUltimate fighter will be revealed at #TheGameAwards tonight.
It's a big night for our small team at #TheGameAwards, in what's bound to be an exciting show!! Hope you can tune in. And, no matter the outcome, it's a genuine honor to see Hades nominated in multiple categories alongside so many excellent games from studios we've long admired. twitter.com/thegameawards/…
“The Game Awards 2020”発表まとめ。ゲーム・オブ・ザ・イヤーや『スマブラSP』『ニーア』などの新情報を随時更新でお届けします 配信は本日9:00(プレショウは8:30)から #TheGameAwards famitsu.com/news/202012/11…
【8:30より】間もなく #TheGameAwards 生放送がスタート。 #ニーアレプリカント V1.22の最新映像をPre-Showにて公開予定です。 #NieR #ニーア #TheGameAwards2020 youtu.be/zWz6v-UAs8Q
2021年4月22日(木)発売。『NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139...』「The Game Awards 2020」にて紹介された戦闘にフォーカスした最新トレーラーを公開いたしました。 #ニーアレプリカント #TheGameAwards #ニーア #NieR youtu.be/_5G1K5qk_sQ
「スマブラSP」にファイナルファンタジーVIIのセフィロスが参戦。2020年12月に配信を予定 #スマブラSP #TheGameAwards 4gamer.net/games/412/G041…
セフィロス参戦したけど、FF7Rしかやったことない人ネタバレくらってて草 #TheGameAwards
Hades just picked up the award for Best Action Game in #TheGameAwards!! Thanks so much to the judges, from all of us -- what an honor!
AMONG US ganhou como melhor jogo multiplayer de 2020! #TheGameAwards
『Fall Guys』シーズン3は12月15日スタート。最新PVが公開【The Game Awards 2020】 #TheGameAwards famitsu.com/news/202012/11…
『ARK II』が発表。『ワイルド・スピード』などでおなじみのヴィン・ディーゼルが出演【The Game Awards 2020】 #TheGameAwards #TGA2020 famitsu.com/news/202012/11…
One more!! Hades just earned the award for Best Indie Game at #TheGameAwards! We are very grateful, and feel extraordinarily fortunate to have been able to make games our way and stick together for more than 10 years now. Hades couldn't have happened if not for our past games.
『Among Us』に新マップの“Airship”が2021年早期に追加されることが明らかに【The Game Awards 2020】 #TheGameAwards #TGA2020 famitsu.com/news/202012/11…