RT to vote #LeftandRight for #TheCollaborationSong at 2022 #PCAs!
ARMYのことしか?考えてない アミが大好きなジョングク🐰 俺達も JUNGKOOKが大好き 今日も全力で推していきます! 良かったらRTお願いします🐰🫰 I vote #LeftandRight    for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
❤‍🔥Red-haired Jungkook❤‍🔥 今日も全力でジョングク応援っ🙌💕 ARMYの皆様🥹 いつもRT🏷リプありがとうございます🥹❤ 今日もよろしくお願いいたします🥹🙏💕 愛するジョングクに最高のプレゼントを🏆💕 I voted for #LeftAndRight      in #TheCollaborationSong of #PCAs 2022
지금 제가 올린 📸을 보시고 기뻐하는 당신.. 그 기쁨을 튭으로 보여주세요. 오늘 석진이 라이브 무대 기다리면서 튭,스밍,뮤스🤜🤛 🔗지니앱 직링 52hz.kr/gma_open 🔗Y박스 직링 52hz.kr/ybox_open 🔗global.idolplus.com/vote/NTJjNGI2YW #TheCollaborationSong #LeftandRight  #PCAs
정구기 핫백 기사 단독으로 한번도 안올려주는거 극극극극극극극혐 그래서 꼭 정구기가 상을 받았으면 좋겠거든 #TheCollaborationSong #LeftandRight    #PCAs
🔥 I vote #LeftandRight    for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
drop 300 replies pls 🥹 I vote #LeftandRight    for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
He looks so gorgeous I Vote for #LeftandRight        as the Collaboration Of The Year #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
RCAs コラボ投票🗳💜 13時にリセットされました😊 25tweet (RT 含む) がまだの方 リプ欄をご自由にお使いください🤗 l Vote #LeftandRight for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
ARMYの皆様🥹❤ このツイをRTしていただけませんか?🥹❤ 愛するジョングクが賞を受賞出来ますように…🥹❤ 通りすがりのRT大歓迎です🥹❤ ご協力よろしくお願いいたします🥹🙏💕 ♡WE LOVE JUNGKOOK♡ I vote #LeftandRight     for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
300 replies quick! I vote #LeftandRight     for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
🔮 We vote #LeftandRight as #TheCollaborationSong of the year at the #PCAs 2022 People’s Choice Awards. Retweet + comentário para votar
Let’s keep going! I keep voting with all your accounts (25x per day). Please leave 1000 replies below! My vote for #TheCollaborationSong is for #LeftandRight on #PCAs
人見知りで今までは個人で出来る投票ばかり頑張ってたけど、フォロワー様が必要な投票となれば、本気出して頑張るよ🔥ジョングクに形として愛を届けたい💜もちろんフォロバさせていただきます!!皆さんよろしくお願いします!! l Vote #LeftandRight  for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
PCAs投票✨✨ フォロワーの人数足りない方お気軽に声かけて下さいね🙇‍♀️😊 グク🐰 コラボ🎶🎶 I vote for #LeftAndRight     as the #TheCollaborationSong of 2022 at the #PCAs
I'm voting #LeftandRight as #TheCollaborationSong of the year at the 2022 People’s Choice Awards (#PCAs). 🏆
RT to vote #LeftandRight    for #TheCollaborationSong at 2022 #PCAs!
大賞を取った時に流した涙は全然恥ずかしくなかった。 一一一𝗝𝗨𝗡𝗚𝗞𝗢𝗢𝗞 𝗢𝗙 𝗕𝗧𝗦 #TheCollaborationSong #LeftandRight  #PCAs
300 replies quick‼️‼️ I vote #LeftandRight      for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
24時間も経たずに100名以上の方がフォローして下さり感謝しかないです🥺アミは優しい😭💜沢山の愛がジョングクに届きますように🐰💜 l Vote #LeftandRight   for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
I'm voting #LeftandRight  as #TheCollaborationSong of the year at the 2022 #PCAs
💜PCAs コラボ投票💜 リセットされました😊 25tweet (RT含めて) がまだの方 リプ欄をご自由にお使いください🤗 l Vote #LeftandRight for #TheCollaborationSong at #PCAs
สู้ I'm voting #LeftandRight  as #TheCollaborationSong of the year at the 2022 People’s Choice Awards (#PCAs). 🏆
🗳 I vote for #LeftAndRight  as the #TheCollaborationSong of 2022 at the #PCAs
Submit your Vote for #LeftAndRight as the #TheCollaborationSong of 2022 at the #PCAs