베이커런 일러스트로 트위터 헤더를 제작해보았습니다! ツイッターヘッダーを制作しました! ご自由にお使いください! I made a Twitter header! Pls feel free to use it! thx #미해결사건부 #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿
#VynRichter: "After my encounter with you, all of these have drastically changed." Vyn's 3rd Birthday SSR is now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/Nwxa8pO70r8 It's an emotional ride but I ❤️ the story development! VynRosa please be happy forever! #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿 #莫弈 #森月黎
蔷太郎和她的小伙伴 #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿
2nd Anniversary 💍🌃 #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿 #左然
🎨#윤노아 생일 팬아트 공모전 이벤트 ‼공식 트위터 계정 팔로우+본 이벤트 트윗 rt‼ 추첨을 통해 함께 이루는 소원 시리즈 아크릴 배지를 3분에게 선물드려요! ⏰접수 기간 ~ 10/7 23:59(한국시간) 🔗cafe.naver.com/tearsofthemisk… #미해결사건부 #미사부 #TearsOfThemis #rt이벤트 #세월에쌓이는마음
#TGS2022】 未定事件簿TGS特別PVをご視聴いただきありがとうございました! 近日中にYouTube公式チャンネル: youtube.com/c/tearsofthemi… にて高画質版を公開予定です✨ 声優の特別コメントなど、スペシャルな内容満載なPVとなりますので、ぜひもう1度ご覧ください💌 #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis
🌸未名幼儿园🌸 #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿
#VynRichter: "... but after my encounter with you, all of these have drastically changed." Vyn's 2022 Birthday PV now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/WrPZS2qIAbo PV voiced by AI, but the angst is real, just come and cry with me :') #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿 #莫弈
中秋快樂!🥮 #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis
#未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis 中秋快樂🎑(提前
Okay and now he looks like someone from the JOJO series.. I’m sorry🥲 #VynRichter #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿
#VynRichter: "Good girl... That's right, only children who are obedient can receive the final reward." Vyn's Gourmet Gastronomy MR now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/cJciHXgT6b8 #TearsOfThemis #未定事件簿 #莫弈 #森月黎
#MariusVonHagen: "Hm? Just a kiss? This won't be enough... Let me teach you..." Marius' Gourmet Gastronomy MR now subbed: 🔗youtu.be/FvE4C8JAef4 #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis #陆景和 #和泉景
#ArtemWing: "You don't have to stop, just keep going will do..." Artem's Gourmet Gastronomy MR now subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/O57UiYCIX8Y #未定事件簿 #TearsOfThemis #左然 #左京静真
“犀照高悬,洞察奸邪。” Chapter 10 PV is subbed: 🔗 youtu.be/Hsl6rO5JJdA #TearsOfThemis #ArtemWing #未定事件簿 #左然