[#️⃣] iKONICs and Changus! #Chanwoo’s cinedrama teaser is out! Watch here, there’s English subs too! 🔗 youtu.be/8I804nf518o Hype it up, and don’t forget to include these tags in your tweets! MYCHILLINGROOMMATE MOVIE DDAY #TeamJichan #오싹한동거 @iKON_chan_w000 @YG_iKONIC
[📈] The tagline is now trending Worldwide🌎 at #16! 🥳 Great work, everyone! Let's continue to use the tags and rise up to the top 10! MYCHILLINGROOMMATE MOVIE DDAY #TeamJichan #오싹한동거 @iKON_chan_w000 @YG_iKONIC
[#️⃣] My Chilling Roommate D-Day is here! Who's excited to see our #Chanwoo in actor mode?! Drop the tags and with a supportive message below! MYCHILLINGROOMMATE MOVIE DDAY #TeamJichan #오싹한동거 @iKON_chan_w000 @YG_iKONIC