You asked? We deliver! 😊🔥🔥 We updated our #TeamCD1 and #TeamCD2 playlists to include 1340340 to 100M on Spotify so you don't have to rotate to another. Let's get it! Here they are again: open.spotify.com/playlist/6RuTq… open.spotify.com/playlist/639aY… #100DaysWithProof #100DaysWithYetToCome
134 ARMYs here appreciating #BTS_Proof (#TeamCD1) and the Personal Diary that #YetToCome is. I was wondering if we could make it 150 soon? Then 100 streams would be 15K and that’d be a good number for a #100DaysWithProof party.. 🥹 share.stationhead.com/uFLcrqD8Jej