#创造营2020 你们觉得 #黄子韬 教练唱的《喜欢你》怎么样? #ProduceCamp2020 #CHUANG2020 What do you guys think about Mentor #Tao ‘s singing?
#青春万岁 《你最最最重要》 看 #黄子韬#创造营2020 学员们 用青春歌舞展现青春活力 “逐梦青春,你们敢吗?” “敢,我有万丈光芒!” 青春万岁! #黄子韬创3学员同台跳主题曲 #Tao performed the theme song of #ProduceCamp2020 with the trainees at the show #YouthForever
#黄子韬 教练联合 #创造营2020 学员在 #青春万岁 共演主题曲! #Tao performed the theme song of #ProduceCamp2020 with the trainees at the show called “Youth Forever”
看!暖心教练团 #鹿晗 #毛不易 #宋茜 和特派教练 #大张伟 送来对教练 #黄子韬 的生日祝福!祝27岁的热血韬、25岁的认真韬、22岁的勇敢韬、阿堡心里永远18岁的韬教练,生日快乐🎂!两横一竖就是干,咔咔的 Birthday wishes from #Luhan #MaoBuyi #VictoriaSong & #Wowkie to #Tao ! #创造营2020
#黄子韬#创造营2020 女团舞直拍! #Tao dancing to #ProduceCamp2020 theme song!
您有一份韬教练 #黄子韬 的个人技挑战待查收!这灵活的手指和耳朵绝对不是特效!各位女团创始人和创造营2020的学员们快来挑战吧! These flexible fingers and ears are definitely not special effects! Come and join the challenge by Mentor #Tao! #创造营2020 #ProduceCamp2020 #創造營2020
真诚鼓励,暖心分享,有创造营2020教练团 #黄子韬#鹿晗#毛不易#宋茜 一路陪伴教导,学员们一定会收获更好的成长! With the sincere encouragement, heartwarming shares and the help of the mentors - #Tao, #Luhan, #MaoBuyi and #VictoriaSong, the trainees will definitely learn more!
2019.8.15 0:00 #Tao