What measures did #Taiwan take in combating #Coronavirus & safeguarding the health of its 23 million people? Get the inside story when VP Chen & @EllenJMacKenzie discuss the effectiveness of the #TaiwanModel in better managing the #COVID19 pandemic. This is a must-watch webcast! twitter.com/JohnsHopkinsSP…
VP Chen did a fine job detailing the #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus. Sharing information on #Taiwan's quarantine measures, social distancing, PPE supplies & vaccine development helps strengthen the global response to the #COVID19 pandemic while achieving #HealthForAll. twitter.com/Telegraph/stat…
.@iingwen & #Taiwan are showing the world how a woman-led country can soundly manage the #COVID19 pandemic. The #TaiwanModel, featuring decisiveness & plenty of empathy & solidarity, is key. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp combat #Coronavirus & realize #HealthForAll. forbes.com/sites/avivahwi…
#Taiwan's #Coronavirus-combating efforts saw the country's baseball season get underway April 12 in a closed stadium with robot spectators. The #TaiwanModel of managing #COVID19 is keeping life on an even keel & ensuring sports fans can still get the competitive juices flowing. twitter.com/NBCSports/stat…
The #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus, plus donations of masks & equipment, are some of the ways #TaiwanCanHelp. But the country stands ready to do even more! @jeromeacohen & @yujiechentw make a good point: Politics mustn't undermine public health. cfr.org/in-brief/why-d…
VP Chen shared the #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus with @BBCWorld. The country is better managing the #COVID19 pandemic due to its #SARS experience, & is making available expertise, supplies & technologies. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp realize #HealthForAll. english.president.gov.tw/News/5991
#Taiwan is proof that managing #COVID19 doesn't require autocratic measures. The #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus uses hypervigilance, technology & an #AllHandsOnDeck democratic approach. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #HealthForAll & #LeaveNoOneBehind. thediplomat.com/2020/04/how-ta…
I really enjoyed my first virtual classroom experience and exchanging ideas with @MinervaSchools students. We talked about the #TaiwanModel for dealing with #COVID19, & I also drew on my own experience to share ideas about navigating success & failure in life:
#Taiwan is a step ahead in managing the #COVID19 pandemic on the strength of its health vigilance systems overseen by @MOHW_Taiwan & @Taiwan_CDC. More countries are expanding bilateral ties & learning from the #TaiwanModel. It's true! #TaiwanCanHelp realize @WHO's #HealthForAll. twitter.com/business/statu…
Experience with #SARS pushed #Taiwan to react quickly & decisively to combat #Coronavirus. Now #TaiwanCanHelp manage the #COVID19 pandemic. But the country needs a #WHA73 seat to better share the #TaiwanModel & assist in realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll. edition.cnn.com/2020/04/04/asi…
.@AndersFoghR is right! #TaiwanCanHelp shape global health policy via high-tech expertise. The #TaiwanModel for #Coronavirus response using data, transparency & centralized command is a winner. To close #COVID19 blackholes & realize #HealthForAll, @WHO needs #Taiwan at the table. twitter.com/AndersFoghR/st…
#Taiwan has had to rely on itself to fight #Coronavirus, & the country's thriving despite the challenges. This #AllHandsOnDeck approach to #COVID19 embodied by Central Epidemic Command Center is part of the #TaiwanModel for combating the disease & realizing @WHO's #HealthForAll. twitter.com/ForeignPolicy/…