Nas is scared of #Coronavirus. Fortunately, he found a country to assuage his fears: #Taiwan! Watch the social media personality's video & learn more about the #TaiwanModel & #AllHandsOnDeck approach to managing the #COVID19 pandemic. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp ➡️
Well said, @USUN. The @UN was founded to protect all countries big & small. Shutting #Taiwan out of the world body & its specialized agencies is self-defeating & only weakens the international family of nations. It's high time to #TweetForTaiwan & recognize #TaiwanCanHelp.…
Over the past few months, #Taiwan has shown the capacity to support & contribute to global health. We urge our like-minded friends & partners to #TweetForTaiwan's inclusion in the @WHO. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp…
We sincerely appreciate @AbeShinzo taking #Taiwan's case to @DrTedros for participation in the activities, mechanisms & meetings of @WHO. There's no question #TaiwanCanHelp combat #Coronavirus & realize #HealthForAll. It's time for the country to have a seat at the #WHA73 table.
#Taiwan's transparent, competent response to the #COVID19 pandemic is receiving global recognition. Consensus is clear: the country warrants a place at the @WHO table. Combating #Coronavirus & achieving #HealthForAll demand decisive action. #TaiwanCanHelp…
😷 120K dedicators, 1M face masks collected. 🚀 #TeamTaiwan came through with flying colours! 🥳 I’m deeply touched & immensely proud of this response. 💕Thank you for the tenderness & love. 🖖 May we all #LiveLongAndProsper. 🇹🇼 Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
3日連続新規感染者数「0」。もちろん #圓山大飯店 は裏切りません!今日は「#平安」と #ライトアップ し、台湾を照らしてくれています! 遠くからでもしっかりと文字が見えています!! #taiwan #COVID19 #新型コロナウィルス #新型コロナウイルス感染症 #コロナに負けるな #TaiwanCanHelp
There are many moving parts to the #TaiwanModel for combating #COVID19 & realizing #HealthForAll. Learn more about #Taiwan’s #AllHandsOnDeck approach, as well as international media coverage & multimedia & social media highlights. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp ➡️
台湾の配給制マスク。 自分が必要ない分は、海外へ寄付することが可能になりました✨ アプリで寄付したい枚数を指定するだけでOK! 台湾の人たちの「困っている人をほっておけない精神」がすごい結果を生み出しそうな気がします😊 #TaiwanCanHelp #TaiwanIsHelping…
Unconditional generosity is ingrained in the #Taiwanese DNA. To contribute to the fight against #COVID19, our new government initiative allows citizens to donate their unused face mask quota to countries in need, gifts from the heart & one more way to show that #TaiwanCanHelp.…
💕 Compassion & love know no boundaries. 😷 Join me in dedicating uncollected face masks via the NHI app & making a difference. 💪 We’re #StrongerTogether when striving for #HealthForAll. 🇹🇼 Yes! #TaiwanCares, #TaiwanShares & #TaiwanCanHelp.
Watch this short film on how #Taiwan gave Theodore D. Nelson a 2nd chance. Immense pain caused by spine & hip problems stole the #Guam native's sleep & mobility. #HealthCare professionals at CMU Hospital in #Taichung worked wonders & have him looking up again. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
Thank you very much @BonnieGlaser of @CSIS for supporting #Taiwan’s inclusion in the @WHO. We're eager to stand with the rest of the world in fighting #COVID19. JW #TaiwanCanHelp #StrongerTogether…
VP Chen refuses to shy away from the truth in the @nytimes. #Taiwan is a “good global citizen,” but has been “left as an orphan” because of #China. The reality is "no country can fight #COVID19 alone,” & #TaiwanCanHelp. @WHO can isolate Taiwan? No one!…
วันนี้ผมประสานกับบริษัทหลายแห่งในเถาหยวนเพื่อร่วมสมทบทุนบริจาคชุดป้องกันทางการแพทย์ 15,000 ชุด ให้กับประเทศไทย #TaiwanCanHelp ตอนนี้ #TaoyuanIsHelping ด้วยมิตรภาพชานมไข่มุกและชาไทย! #MilkTeaAlliance
Assistance from #Taiwan transcends boundaries to reach #Venezuela. We're not asking for anything in return, simply to stand together to fight #COVID19. #TaiwanCanHelp #StrongerTogether…
In our battle against #COVID19, social media reminds us that we’re #StrongerTogether. As my Twitter reaches 1 million followers, I want to thank you for supporting #Taiwan. I’ll keep sharing stories about how #TaiwanCanHelp, & I hope you’ll keep sharing your stories with me:
#Taiwan is humbled to be named alongside #Germany, #Iceland & #SouthKorea as 1 of 4 countries that "got it right" in combating #Coronavirus. The 12 lessons in @CNN's article serve as a valuable roadmap for managing the #COVID19 pandemic. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp achieve #HealthForAll.…
2日連続感染者ゼロ。街中では多くの人がマスクをし、あちこちで体温を測られます。でもそれ以外は通常通り。いつもの店でコーヒーを買い、顔なじみの店員さんとあいさつを交わす。そんな当たり前のことにただただ感謝です。 #台湾 #COVID19 #TaiwanCanHelp
#COVID19 will not stop until we put a stop to it. The time to work together is now. #TaiwanCanHelp Full…
日本台湾交流協会台北事務所によりますと、台湾の対日窓口機関・台湾日本関係協会から日華議員懇談会を通じて日本にマスク200万枚を寄贈するための目録贈呈式が行われました。謝謝台灣! (画像提供:日本台湾交流協会台北事務所) #TaiwanCanHelp #COVID19 #マスク #台湾 #日台友好
.@iingwen & #Taiwan are showing the world how a woman-led country can soundly manage the #COVID19 pandemic. The #TaiwanModel, featuring decisiveness & plenty of empathy & solidarity, is key. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp combat #Coronavirus & realize #HealthForAll.…
It gives us real joy to see good friend @DrGiammattei with the shipment of #TaiwanCanHelp medical masks. Solidarity, cooperation & trust have long been the foundation of rock-solid #Taiwan-#Guatemala relations. They're also key to combating #Coronavirus & realizing #HealthForAll.…
The #TaiwanModel of combating #Coronavirus, plus donations of masks & equipment, are some of the ways #TaiwanCanHelp. But the country stands ready to do even more! @jeromeacohen & @yujiechentw make a good point: Politics mustn't undermine public health.…
Real questions warrant real answers. We sincerely appreciate @NikkiHaley refocusing #Coronavirus discussions on the real issue: saving lives. The truth is #TaiwanCanHelp like-minded partners such as the #US & allies manage the #COVID19 pandemic & achieve @WHO's #HealthForAll.…