A flock of Risso's dolphin was driven by Cove. It seems that there were babies among them, and four of them were discarded off the coast. And the rest of the herd was killed and taken to the butcher's house.Red Cove💔🐬🐬🐬💔😭😭😭 #和歌山 #太地 #Taiji twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
【懐かし映像】 たけしの元気が出るテレビ ・定食屋にドラム ・TOSHI「食えー!!」 ・厨房で火吹き 結果、面白いw #xjapan #運命共同体 #YOSHIKI #ToshI #Taiji #HIDE #PATA
A flock of Risso's dolphin was driven by Cove, but two babies were discarded alive on Offshore. And all the rest of Risso's dolphin, which was trapped in Cove, was killed and taken to the butcher's house.Red Cove💔🐬🐬🐬🐬💔😭😭😭😭 #和歌山 #太地 #Taiji #動物虐待 twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
猟師は2つのカズハゴンドウの群れのを追っていたが1つの大きな群れは沖に逃げましたが小さな群れが入り江に追い込まれた。すべて殺され解体場に運ばれたが、スキッフがシートで隠した赤ちゃんを沖に捨てるふりをして、その赤ちゃんを再び解体場に運んだと思う。赤ちゃんは生きているかのよう。#Taiji twitter.com/i/web/status/1…