V has surpassed 9 Million followers on Spotify without officially debuting as a soloist! #TaehyungSpotify9M 9 MILLION FOR V
9 MILLION FOR V • Taehyung is the #1 most followed Korean act on Spotify without an album release as V's official profile has surpassed 9,000,000 followers with his 3 songs for K-Drama soundtracks! #TaehyungSpotify9M
[INFO] Kim Taehyung has surpassed 9 Million followers on Spotify with just 3 OSTs under his name Congratulations Taehyung! 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M @BTS_twt
Congratulations Taehyung on reaching 9M followers on Spotify! Know that you are loved and that your heartwarming melodies are endlessly appreciated. 💜 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M
#TaehyungSpotify9M • V's Spotify profile has amassed more than 9,000,000 followers as Taehyung continues to be the #1 most followed Korean soloist on the music platform in 2022! 9 MILLION FOR V • shorturl.at/GIRV6
Taehyung's Spotify profile has surpassed 9 MILLION followers. 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M
V has surpassed 9,000,000 followers on Spotify with just 3 OSTs to his name and remains the #1 Most Followed Korean Soloist in 2022 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M
Taehyung's Spotify Profile has surpassed 9 Million Followers with only 3 OSTs & without an album release! #V remains as the #1 Most Followed Korean Solo Act on Spotify in 2022 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M
With only 3 OSTs under his profile, Taehyung’s spotify page has now surpassed 9M followers V remains as — #4 Most Followed Korean Soloist — #8 Most Followed Korean Act — #1 Most Followed Korean Solo Act in 2022 (gaining 3.9M followers this yr) 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M
V's Spotify profile has surpassed 9,000,000 followers! No collab. No mixtape. With 3 OSTs! Taehyung is still the no. 1 most followed Korean soloist on Spotify in 2022!!! Congratulations!!! 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M
#V キムテヒョンは Spotifyで最もフォローされている韓国のアーティストです。V の公式プロフィールは韓国ドラマのサウンドトラックの3 曲で 9,000,000 人フォロワーを超えました!! テテちゃん おめでとうございます💜 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M
[テテ MUSIC 情報] #V テテは Spotifyで9,000,000人フォロワー数を超えました。Spotifyで最もフォローされている韓国のアーティストです。テテ おめでとうございます🧡 9 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify9M