V became the first K-Pop act to surpass 13 MILLION followers without any album released/official solo debut in Spotify's history. #TaehyungSpotify13M 13 MILLION FOR V
V has surpassed 13 MILLION followers on Spotify, making him the 3rd Korean soloist, 6th K-Pop act & 122th artist to do so! #TaehyungSpotify13M 13 MILLION FOR V
[テテMUSIC 情報] #V のSpotifyアーティストページフォロワーが13,000,000 人を超えました✨ 13 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify13M
Let's celebrate another milestone 📢 •13 MILLION FOR V• Kim Taehyung’s spotify profile has now surpassed 13 Million followers 🥳🎉 Congratulations Taehyung! #TaehyungSpotify13M
축하합니다🎉 방탄소년단 뷔, 김태형 아티스트가 3개의 OST로만 세계 최대 음원 플랫폼 스포티파이에서 13M 팔로워를 획득했습니다 아래 해시로 축하해주세요 13 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify13M twitter.com/VGlobalUnion/s…
13 MILLION FOR V! Taehyung’s Spotify account has reached 13 Million followers with 3 OSTs under his name!! Congratulations Taehyung!!! #TaehyungSpotify13M
#V のSpotifyのフォロワーが13,000,000 人を超えました。Spotifyで1 週間でプラットフォーム上 最もフォローされた Kpopソリストの1 位です! テテちゃん おめでとうございます💜 13 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify13M
-Kim Taehyung is only 122 act on the word to reach over 13M followers -He is 6th Kpop act and 3rd Kpop soloist to do so -He is 1st Korean act to do it without an mixtape/album release #TaehyungSpotify13M
What is your favorite profile picture of Kim Taehyung Spotify profile so far? Please, answer using: 13 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify13M
テヒョンさんのSpotifyのフォロワーが1300万人を超えました🐯おめでとうございます💚 ソロアルバムがまだ出ていない時点でこのフォロワー数!まさに待望のアルバムですね🐻 お祝いの言葉と共に、↓のキーワードとハッシュタグをつけてコメントしてくださいっ💎 13 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify13M
🐯テテタイム🐻 テヒョンさんのSpotifyフォロワーが1300万人を突破しました🤗 ソロアルバムがまだな状態での快挙❣️ シンガーソングライター #BTSV のこれからが楽しみ🎶 🔽にSweet NightとChristmas Treeのスクショと 13 MILLION FOR V #TaehyungSpotify13M を送ってください💜 GIF©RedRedhyang