🚨 #FF6000 MINT IS NOW OPEN 🔗mint.citrusapes.xyz Limited to the few.. 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧 Thank yo#LOYALstaying $LOYAL. It won't go unrewarded. #NFT #NFTs #TRX #ETH #BNB #AVAX #ADA #BTC #Crypto #Bitcoin #CNFT #NFTart #NFTShill #NFTdrop href="/hashtag/ORANGE/retweet/1">#ORANGEref="/hashtag/Web3/retweet/1">#Web3 #P2E #TRXNGE #Tron $TRX
🚨 CITRUS APE: $FF6000 #FF6000 MINT IS NOW OPEN 🔗mint.citrusapes.xyz Limited to the few.. 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧 Thank yo#LOYALstaying $LOYAL. #NFT #NFTs #TRX #ETH #BNB #AVAX #ADA #BTC #Crypto #Bitcoin #CNFT #NFTart #NFTShill #NFTdrop href="/hashtag/ORANGE/retweet/1">#ORANGEref="/hashtag/Web3/retweet/1">#Web3 #P2E #TRXNGE #Tron $TRX
/  漢の #TRX #giveaway 😼 \ 2名様に20TRXをプレゼント🎁 参加方法 ①このツイートをRT &いいね ②私をフォロー 本日22:00まで #仮想通貨
#TRX , a cryptocurrency that has gained significant popularity in recent years, has established a strong presence in China🇨🇳 and Hong Kong🇭🇰 for several reasons. 👇
#TRX liquid staking coming in 3,2,1…
.@ParibuCom, Türkiye'deki en saygın yerel kripto para borsalarından biri ve Türkiye'deki deprem için bağış kampanyalarını destekliyorum. Ben şahsen @HuobiGlobal 'den 1 milyon #TRX bağışladım. bağış yapmak istiyorsanız bu iyi bir seçim. tronscan.org/#/transaction/… twitter.com/ParibuCom/stat…
Yes. I believe #TRX will be accepted in China eventually. Most of Chinese 🇨🇳 people are using #TRX anyway. twitter.com/kriptobarlas/s…
Yes. I believe #TRX will be accepted in China eventually. Most of Chinese 🇨🇳 people are using #TRX anyway. twitter.com/kriptobarlas/s…
As we work towards the adoption of #TRX as legal tender, let's not be too US-centric. US🇺🇸 regulation is important, but we should focus on the 8 billion people on Earth. The US is just one country, and while it may be a major player in the crypto world, it's not the only one.
My KPI for 2023 is to get 5 countries to adopt #TRX as legal tender. 🇩🇲🇸🇽
A major country will legalize #TRX and its ecosystem tokens as legal tender soon. This is a huge step forward for the legitimacy and mainstream adoption of #TRON and other digital currencies.
Huobi @HuobiGlobal has waived all withdrawal fees on the #TRON chain, including #USDT #USDD #USDC and #TRX #BTT #JST #SUN #NFT #HT. Huobi calls on all exchanges to jointly waive the #USDT on TRON withdrawal fee by staking #TRX! huobi.com/support/en-us/…
Huobi @HuobiGlobal has waived all withdrawal fees on the #TRON chain, including #USDT #USDD #USDC and #TRX #BTT #JST #SUN #NFT #HT. Huobi calls on all exchanges to jointly waive the #USDT on TRON withdrawal fee by staking #TRX! huobi.com/support/en-us/…
New Bep20 #TRX on @BNBCHAIN coming soon... ❤️ twitter.com/PancakeSwap/st…
A Small step for the stability of crypto industry, a Big step for #FTX and #TRON users! We keep our commitment to #TRON holders including #TRX #BTT #JST #SUN #HT wherever they are. Hat off to the teams for building the Crypto Ark in such a short time @FTX_Official @HuobiGlobal twitter.com/FTX_Official/s…
#TRX trading on @FTX_Official has resumed. Working on withdrawal function. Stay tuned.
Further to my announcement to stand behind all Tron token (#TRX, #BTT, #JST, #SUN, #HT) holders on #FTX, we are putting together a solution together with #FTX to initiate a pathway forward. @FTX_Official
I am not going to show the #ETH and #TRX I own since lots of ppl believe @VitalikButerin and I can print those tokens, which is not worth much...😜 twitter.com/justinsuntron/…
The #FTX liquidity crisis has caused great concerns in our industry. My team and I are heavy-hearted to see how this crisis progresses. We will do everything we can to protect our users, including exchange all #TRX, #BTT, #JST, #SUN, #HT on the FTX platform at a 1:1 ratio. twitter.com/WuBlockchain/s…
.@HuobiGlobal and @trondao decided to permanently support users to redeem their #TRON tokens (#TRX, #BTT, #JST, #SUN, #HT) deposited on FTX. huobi.com/support/en-us/…
@HuobiGlobal@trondao 波场DAO永久1:1刚性承兑 #FTX 波场系代币 #TRX, #BTT, #JST, #SUN, #HT 的决定。
最近FTX所引发资产安全忧虑令人揪心,我本人与团队,见到事态发展至此,心情是极为沉重的。我们经过慎重思考决定,火币与波场愿永久1:1刚性承兑所有FTX平台内波场系代币 #TRX, #BTT, #JST, #SUN, #HT。成功挽救10000用户随机抽取一名转发者打10000U @trondao @HuobiGlobal huobi.com/support/zh-cn/…
The rumor of cashing out is not true. The transaction with USDC Circle is only internal capital deployment with double counting. We are highly bullish on crypto, recruiting vigorously, increasing our holdings of Dominica legal tenders like #TRX #HT #BTT #JST #NFT #SUN.