Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP Current: #5 380,814🐥 We’ve increased 12K vts within 4hrs. We can do the double if we have more participants👍 83,488 gap from #4, pls vote JM & bring him to a higher spot🚨 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
カッコイイー!!!てなったり 可愛いすぎる🙈💕てなったり ジンくん見てると忙しい✨ I vote #BTSJIN from #BTS for #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIN
ゴリゴリの釜山男子なのに… ある時は女子以上に可愛いかったり💓 運動神経バツグンで体幹もすごいのに… 椅子🪑から落ちてばかり😂 そんなJIMIN🐥ちゃんが 大好き😊💘 ポチポチ投票🐣現在5位 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
うつくしま〜 I vote #BTSV for #TOP100MostHandsomeFace V from #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP Gap from #4: 64,061 We could only increase 3K vts within an hour. We must accelerate to reach the goal 🚨 Vote JM at least 50x before you close the link & drop your screenshots! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP Gap from #4: 59,980 🚨 Remember if we get Jimin in the Top 4 spot within 2 days @DawnieJiminie will be donating $100 to @JiminFunds Cast your unlimited vts to Jimin now‼️ 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
眠くてふるふるしてるジンくん 可愛いくて母性が爆発した😇💥💥 I vote #BTSJIN for #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIN #BTS
ハンサム投票の主催のDabemeを韓国のスポーツ新聞スポーツソウルがこのように書いてます👇 他にもたくさんの投票を主催してます♪ 少しでも安心材料になれば… @TOP100KPOPフォローでタグ投票🆗 I vote #BTSV for #TOP100MostHandsomeFace V from #BTS 👇無制限ポチポチ dabeme.com.br/top100/
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP Gap from #4: 33,344 🚨 The gap is over 65k when we started the challenge yesterday, now it decreased to 33k, let's keep going!! We still have 1 day to complete our 1st goal!💪 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP 📢Update Gap from #4: 25,838 Just over 25k gap to get JM in the 4th spot🆘 Please spare a little time to vote! Drop the ss of your votes & share to get more participants! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP 📢Update Gap from #4: 19,753 Only a few gap to get JM in the 4th spot! We will do additional fund challenge if we achieve our 1st goal. Our next goal is to get JM to a higher spot! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP Gap from #4: 15,098 JM is so close to the 4th spot!🆘 If you see this tweet pls click the link & cast a minimum of 40 votes to JM. Take a ss of the result (before & after you vote) 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP Gap from #4: 6,053 We can get JM in the 4th spot in a span of few hrs if we maintain the consistency of incoming vts. We still have few days to aim for the higher spot, keep voting! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
if we get JM in the 3rd spot. So please continue to vote. Let's keep the voting progress at the same speed, do not slack off as we still have a few days left to vote. Gap from #3: 40,155 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP Gap from #3: 28,867 The gap has decreased👍 Let's achieve our next goal today! We can pull this off if each of us contributes at least 30 to 40 votes per hour within this day. 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP (D-6) Gap from #3: 10,865 It's only over 10k gap from the top 3 Idol! Please keep the votes coming, to Team Jimin we trust!! Let's go! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP (D-6) Gap from #2: 133,503 Jimin climbed up to the 3rd spot, great job Team Jimin!🔥 Just keep the energy, the next spot will be a little tougher, but it's still doable keep voting! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP (D-6) Gap from #2: 124,329 New voting goal🎯 @AirbenderPosts pledged to donate $100 to @JiminFunds & @DawnieJiminie will add $100 if we get JM in 2nd spot. So please participate! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP (D-6) Gap from #2: 115,918 The gap from #2 decreased by 8,411 in the last 3 hours. If you are active now please click the link and cast 30-50 votes straight! Let's go! Please RT! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP (D-6) Gap from #2: 106,830 The gap has decreased by 9,088 in the past 4 hours. We need to push harder. Please vote for Jimin as many as you can whenever you have a free time.🙏 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
♡♡大好きな黄金マンネ♡♡ #TOP100MostHandsomeFace Jungkook #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP (D-4) Gap from #2: 56,253 It's only over 50k gap! We can possibly achieve our goal within the day if we increase the incoming votes of JM! Please join us, let's mass vote! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS
handsome投票🗳 あと4日しかありません😭 グクはまた5位のまま😭 こんなにカッコいいグクが5位なのは悲しい😭 みなさん、力をかしてください🙏 よろしくお願いします💜 リプ欄も自由に使ってください💜 RTも1票🗳 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace Jungkook #BTS
なかなか4位の方に追いつけない🥺 グクが3位までに入れるようにアミさんたちのお力を貸してほしいです🙇‍♀️ 私も微力ですが頑張ります☺️💜 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace Jungkook #BTS
Dabeme Most Handsome Face in KPOP (D-4) Gap from #2: 48482 This is not a big gap for us if we accelerate & mass vote together.💪 Let’s reach our goal before D-3.🙏 Cast your unlimited vts to Jimin now! 🔗bit.ly/33IuDo1 #TOP100MostHandsomeFace JIMIN #BTS