[NOTICE] 220911 #THESTARSEEKERS with #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER Official Soundtrack's MV Teaser will be released later today at: 🕙 10 PM (KST) ❗ Please start using the tags provided in the image below at 🕘 9 PM (KST) @THESTARSEEKERS_ @TXT_members #FreeFalling_TheStarSeekers
#THESTARSEEKERS Official Soundtrack <Free Falling> Vocals by @TXT_bighit 📍SEP 18 22:00 KST Pre-Release on #WEBTOON EP15 📍SEP 19 18:00 KST MV & Digital Single Release #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #투모로우바이투게더 #FreeFalling_THESTARSEEKERS #FreeFalling_별을쫓는소년들
🎂2002.09.09🎂 #HAPPY_TAHO_DAY Leave ⭐twinkling⭐ stars in the comments ⭐ Read & Subscribe to #THESTARSEEKERS⭐ 👉linktr.ee/THE_STAR_SEEKE… #별을쫓는소년들 #星を追う少年たち #StarOne #타호 #タホ
한국에 있는 I-ON 모두 모여라! 지금 <별을 쫓는 소년들> 13화를 바로 확인해보세요👀 Read & Subscribe to #별을쫓는소년들⭐ 👉🏻bit.ly/3ARiA4G #THESTARSEEKERS #星を追う少年たち
⏰ Finally, the Star One, magic idols destined to save the Earth, is back. A new episode of the #WEBTOON has been released. Don't forget to check it out now! Read & Subscribe to #THESTARSEEKERS⭐ 👉🏻 linktr.ee/THE_STAR_SEEKE… #THESTARSEEKERS #별을쫓는소년들 #星を追う少年たち
⏰ Finally, the Star One, magic idols destined to save the Earth, is back. A new episode of the #WEBTOON has been released. Don't forget to check it out now! Read & Subscribe to #THESTARSEEKERS⭐ 👉🏻 linktr.ee/THE_STAR_SEEKE… #THESTARSEEKERS #별을쫓는소년들 #星を追う少年たち
⭐ THE STAR SEEKERS⭐ is finally making a comeback soon! Don't forget to watch TOMORROW X TOGETHER's music videos below before you start reading the #WEBTOON! 👉bit.ly/3CWDzFX 🎵Nap of a Star 🎵Magic Island 🎵Eternally 🎵Frost #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #THESTARSEEKERS
⭐별을 쫓는 소년들⭐ 드디어 곧 복귀! 투모로우바이투게더의 뮤직비디오부터 함께 정주행한 후 웹툰 보러가요! 👉bit.ly/3CWDzFX 🎵별의 낮잠 🎵Magic Island 🎵Eternally 🎵Frost #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #TXT #투모로우바이투게더 #THESTARSEEKERS #별을쫓는소년들 #星を追う少年たち
ついに帰ってくる⭐星を追う少年たち⭐ TOMORROW X TOGETHERのミュージックビデオを鑑賞してからウェブトゥーンを読みに行きましょう! 👉bit.ly/3CWDzFX 🎵「Nap of a star」 🎵「Magic Island」 🎵「Eternally」 🎵「Frost」 #TOMORROW_X_TOGETHER #THESTARSEEKERS #星を追う少年たち
Tap the feather 깃털을 터치해보세요 羽毛をタッチしてみてください Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[NOW OPEN] Come get your magical merchandise for I-ON in your dreams tonight💫 I-ON을 위한 마법 굿즈는 오늘 밤 꿈속에서 찾아가세요💫 I-ONのための魔法グッズを、今夜の夢の中で探してみましょう💫 Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[I-ON Membership Card] Star One's official fan club I-ON's must-have item! 스타원 공식 팬클럽 I-ON의 필수품! スターワンの公式ファンクラブ、I-ONの必須アイテム! Register with the Hashtag #THESTARSEEKERS ! #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[Magic Light Stick] A light stick where stars light up!🌟 별이 떠오르는 응원봉🌟 星が浮かんでくるペンライト!🌟 Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[Star One Potion Package] Have a drink and experience the powers of Star One! 마시면 스타원과 같은 마법의 힘을 잠시 경험할 수 있습니다. 飲むとスターワンのような魔法の力をしばらく経験することが できます。 Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[Star One Potion Package] Have a drink and experience the powers of Star One! 마시면 스타원과 같은 마법의 힘을 잠시 경험할 수 있습니다. 飲むとスターワンのような魔法の力をしばらく経験することが できます。 Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[Star One Action Poster🔊] #Avys #아비스 #アビス Replay Star One's stunning moments wherever you are, 24/7 스타원의 멋진 모습을 365일 어디서든 리플레이~ スターワンのカッコいい姿を365日、どこでもリプレイ~ Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[Star One Action Poster🔊] #Taho #타호 #タホ Replay Star One's stunning moments wherever you are, 24/7! 스타원의 멋진 모습을 365일 어디서든 리플레이~ スターワンのカッコいい姿を365日、どこでもリプレイ~ Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[Star One Action Poster🔊] #Viken #비켄 #ビケン Replay Star One's stunning moments wherever you are, 24/7! 스타원의 멋진 모습을 365일 어디서든 리플레이~ スターワンのカッコいい姿を365日、どこでもリプレイ~ Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[Star One Action Poster🔊] #Eugene #유진 #ユジン Replay Star One's stunning moments wherever you are, 24/7! 스타원의 멋진 모습을 365일 어디서든 리플레이~ スターワンのカッコいい姿を365日、どこでもリプレイ~ Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05
[Star One Action Poster🔊] #Soule #솔 #ソル Replay Star One's stunning moments wherever you are, 24/7! 스타원의 멋진 모습을 365일 어디서든 리플레이~ スターワンのカッコいい姿を365日、どこでもリプレイ~ Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
Ask any question to the Star One members in the comments! 스타원에게 댓글로 무엇이든 물어보세요! スターワンにコメントで何でも聞いてみてください! Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #StarOne #스타원 #スターワン
[I-ON QUIZ] Leave your answer in the comments! Every Monday with #THESTARSEEKERS 2022.09.05 #스타원 #スターワン