#StrayKids earned their highest single-day streams on Spotify this year at 8,036,632 (8M) following the first full tracking of #THESOUND album (February 22). @Stray_Kids @Stray_Kids_JP #スキズ promocards.byspotify.com/share/da2dd0f9…
⚡️ THE SOUND M/V D-DAY #THESOUND Music Video will be released in 24 hours! 📣 24-HOUR GOALS ☑️ 4 MILLION Views ☑️ 800K Likes Spread the teaser everywhere! THE SOUND MV DDAY #SKZ_THESOUND #StrayKids #スキズ @Stray_Kids @Stray_Kids_JP
Seungmin y Han compartieron este video en TikTok 💛 #StrayKids #THESOUND @Stray_Kids
📰Billboard JAPAN記事 『今週のCDアルバム売上レポートから2023年2月20日~2月22日の集計が明らかとなり、Stray Kidsの『THE SOUND』が354,746枚を売り上げ、首位を走っている』 @Stray_Kids_JP #StrayKids #スキズ #スキズ_1ST_ALBUM #JAPAN_1st_Album #SKZ_THESOUND #THESOUND twitter.com/Billboard_JAPA…
🇺🇸 @Stray_Kids_JP peaks on Billboard World Digital Song Sales #7, Scars #11, #THESOUND 🆕 #11, JUST BREATHE* #21, ALL IN @Stray_Kids #StrayKids #スキズ
Stray Kidsが今夜「THE FIRST TAKE」に登場 オリジナルアレンジで「CASE 143 -Japanese ver.-」披露 lp.p.pia.jp/article/news/2… #StrayKids #スキズ #스트레이키즈 #スキズ_1ST_ALBUM #JAPAN_1st_Album #SKZ_THESOUND #THESOUND #THEFIRSTTAKE
La prensa estará transmitiendo un en vivo de la llegada de Stray Kids a Corea después de su exitosa presentación en Music Station con su canción “The Sound” youtube.com/live/6jXlhbKYY… #StrayKids #THESOUND @Stray_Kids
🔊 #SUPERSTAR_JYP カード追加 🎵 #StrayKids の新しいカード『THE SOUND』を追加💗 今すぐログインしてチェックしましょう😎✨ 🔽 #シュスジェ を開く 🔽 link.superstarjyp.jp/OcKk/khtf8216 #스트레이키즈 #SKZ_THESOUND #THESOUND
Traducción en español de Stray Kids para la revista Nylon Japan Cr esp: trad team skzinfoesp - Marie Cr eng: eskayjeep #StrayKids #THESOUND @Stray_Kids
遅くなったよー😂 #THESOUND のシール配布します〜🎷 後でこのシリーズのカレドショコララベルも出すね🍫 DLは💟orRT、ff外の方はフォロー必須でお願いします🥰 ☑️シール以外での使用禁止 ☑️商用絶対禁止 ☑️画像の加工禁止 URLはリプ欄へ⬇️ #straykids配布 #スキズ配布
.@Stray_Kids rises to #80 (+7) on the Spotify Top Artist Global chart. Stay we are close to back as highest 4th Generation Group on chart. Open your spotify playlists streams #THESOUND Album!
.@Stray_Kids Japanese song with the most #1's on iTunes #1. Scars — 32 #2. JUST BREATHE — 23 #3. CIRCUS — 14 #4. MANIAC Japanese ver. — 12 STAYs get your iTunes acc ready, let's break the record with #THESOUND🎼🔥
Most-viewed @Stray_Kids_JP M/Vs (First 24 Hours) #1 CIRCUS – 4.33M views (890K likes) #2 ALL IN – 2.14M (494K) #3 Your Eyes – 1.83M (349K) #4 #THESOUND – 1.60M (362K)** #5 Scars – 1.41M (372K) #6 TOP – 911K **still counting, 2 hours left 🚨 @Stray_Kids #StrayKids #スキズ
Hey STAY 👋 No se olviden de seguir haciendo stream a THE SOUND, así que por favor pasen por YouTube y denle play que ya llegamos a 2.1M ▶️ youtu.be/ivijoIfhl0o #StrayKids #THESOUND @Stray_Kids
STAY de México 🇲🇽 Hiciste un gran trabajo, ya subimos al 3er puesto en el chart de iTunes 👏 puede que sea un poco difícil llegar al primero debido a las canciones que están en esa posición, pero sigamos haciendo nuestro mejor esfuerzo para lograrlo 🥳 #THESOUND #StrayKids
Biggest 1st week streams for Japanese Songs by 4th Gen Group on Spotify: #1 #CIRCUS - 3,345,837 #2 #THESOUND - 1,741,254* #3 #Scars - 1,693,063 #4 Voltage - 1,578,752 #5 Ring – 1,500,469 *still counting (4 Days) open.spotify.com/playlist/71ak2…
#THESOUND INSTAGRAM STORY STAY, make sure to be loud about #SKZ_THESOUND on Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, everywhere! Since we might not get M/V upon digital pre-release, we need to be extra on promoting it! See reply for template ↓ @Stray_Kids #StrayKids #スキズ
STAY be ready to support @Stray_Kids's First Full-length Japan Album "THE SOUND" 🔥 #JAPAN_1st_Album #SKZ_THESOUND #THESOUND #StrayKids
#StrayKids Japan First Album #THESOUND Track #10 There Lyrics by BANGCHAN (3RACHA) CHANGBIN (3RACHA) JUN2 KM-Markit stream: straykids.lnk.to/SaBA3YXr
#StrayKids will perform #THESOUND on NTV’s music program, Buzz Rhythm 02!📺 Broadcast is on 2/18(Sat) 0:59~1:59 AM JST They are under the “Studio Live” line up but it’s definitely pre-recorded since they are having a concert in Australia tonight! twitter.com/lunaloveskz/st…
#THESOUND イル活記録まとめ】 Billboard JAPAN、オリコン、日本レコード認定で素晴らしい結果でした👏 オリコンでは #スキズ 初記録となる1位を複数獲得おめでとうございます🎉 📝今後の課題 安定した音源スミン&MV再生の継続 本国カムバでも重要な指標となるスミン&MV再生を強化しましょう🔥
#StrayKids、日本1stフル『#THESOUND』リリース決定!“自主プロデュースグループ”らしい一作に sportsseoulweb.jp/star_topic/id=…
Stay help us reach the goals for #THESOUND on iTunes, country that close to reach #1: #2 Bulgaria #2 El Salvador #2 Estonia #2 Hungary #2 Japan #2 Kazakhstan #2 Panama #2 Philippines #2 Poland #2 Saudi Arabia #2 Ukraine #3 Brazil #3 Mexico #4 Indonesia music.apple.com/jp/album/the-s…
📢 STAYs! spread about #THESOUND song release tomorrow midnight in your tl, this title track for @Stray_Kids first full length Japan Album. WE NEED TO BE LOUD ABOUT THIS! A lot stay often miss the information about Japan CB, please spread it on other SNS (Instagram/TikTok/FB)!