V-Day is here! Happy Birthday to the one and only, the incomparable, the most talented and loved, Kim Taehyung. 🎂🎊🥳 #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY #ForeverOurBestFriendTae #VOurSweetTreasure
Happy Birthday My Love. I hope you'll receive all the happiness in the world. Always cherish your good health. Thank you for always showing your love and make us feel warm with affection #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY #BornIconTaehyung
Happy Birthday to the light of everyone lives! Our sweet, kind, talented, and beautiful singer Taehyung! Your existence has made life infinitely better! #가장따뜻한12월의봄_태형 #태형이의_뷔티풀데이즈 #12월의기적태형 #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY
Happy Birthday my love. May all your dreams come true always. We love you Taehyung 💜🤍 #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #PoeticVanteDay #TAEHYUNGDAY @BTS_twt
#ForeverOurBestFriendTae, thank you for your wonderful light and beautiful heart ♥︎ here are photos & notes of appreciation from your beloved ARMY in cities all over the world celebrating #EraDefiningStarV on this most special #TAEHYUNGDAY~ Full video: youtu.be/OTj-XLccZ8g
📢 태형이의 생일 축하 해시태그가 월드 실시간트렌드 1위, 2위, 4위에 올랐습니다. 실트에 오른 메인해시로 계속 달려주세요! #가장따뜻한12월의봄_태형 #태형이의_뷔티풀데이즈 #12월의기적태형 #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY twitter.com/BTSV_Support_K…
“Dear Kim Taehyung, I think you were born in winter because the universe saved a year's worth of warmth & put it all into you” #HAPPYVDAY #TAEHYUNGDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #RomanticGentlemanV #VeautifulPrinceTaehyung #BornIconTaehyung #LoveIsTaehyung
HAPPY V DAY 2022 テテへのセンイル記念の寄せ書きに 、ご参加頂きましてありがとうございました。 下記URLよりご確認頂けます。 是非weverseでもテテへメッセージを🎂 🔗yosetti.com/mainyosegakis/… #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY #私達の最愛テテ28歳おめでとう #12월의기적태형
28 years ago love was born as Taehyung. Happy Birthday to the Boy who was born to be loved and cherished until the end of times #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY #태형이의_뷔티풀데이즈
テヒョンさん、お誕生日おめでとうございます♡ だーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーいすきです🧸💜 #가장따뜻한12월의봄_태형 #태형이의_뷔티풀데이즈 #12월의기적태형 #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY
📢 태형이의 생일 축하 해시태그가 월드 실시간트렌드 1위, 3위에 올랐습니다. 실트에 오른 메인해시로 계속 달려주세요! #가장따뜻한12월의봄_태형 #태형이의_뷔티풀데이즈 #12월의기적태형 #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY twitter.com/BTSV_Support_K…
𝐓𝐀𝐄𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐆 𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐘 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 テテ28歳誕生日おめでとう 常に努力し輝き続けるV。心根の優しいあなたがいつも笑顔溢れる一年になりますように。沢山の愛を込めて♡ #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY #태형이의_뷔티풀데이즈 #私達の最愛テテ28歳おめでとう
Marking the end of a beautiful and cherished year, we wish you our sweet Taehyung the happiest of birthdays and many bright days ahead. May your path be forever overflowing in flowers. 🎂🌸🎁 #HAPPYVDAY #TAEHYUNGDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #JoyeuxAnniversaireV
happy birthday to the most magical person to ever exist. thank you for being a constant inspiration to so many people around the world. taehyung, stay healthy and happy forever. a new year full of success is coming for you! #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY
愛するテテちゃん、お誕生日おめでとう。 同じ時代に生きてあなたの活躍を応援できること、とっても幸せです。 ずっとずっと大好きで、ずっとずっと、一生愛してます。 出会ってくれてありがとう。 #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY #私達の最愛テテ28歳おめでとう
テーちゃんお誕生日おめでとう🎈 素敵な一年になりますように #HAPPYVDAY #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #TAEHYUNGDAY