T1 @valesports_kr 팀이 한국의 VCT Pacific 파트너로 선정되었습니다! 더 많은 우승을 가져오겠습니다!🏆 #T1Valorant has been given the honor of partnering with VCT Pacific as a representative of Korea. We hope to bring home more trophies to our fans!🏆 #T1WIN #T1Fighting
T1 LOCKED//IN for VCT 2023.🗝 Check out how thrifty our boys can be in the link below. T1, LOCK//IN 준비 완료!🗝 선수들의 살벌한 각오, 아래 링크에서 확인하세요! 🎞: youtu.be/RnatGSKlpCU #T1WIN #T1Fighting #T1Valorant #VCT #VCTPacific #VCTLOCKIN