The way jaehyuk invited mashiho to his house, his mom cooked for him and bought him bread 🥰 Happy Yoonderful Day #Sweet21JaehyukieDay #억_재혁이_생일이다 @treasuremembers
happiest birthday to the sweetest angel! your existence is a blessing to us & you deserve the world. love you jaehyuk ♡ Happy Yoonderful Day #Sweet21JaehyukieDay #억_재혁이_생일이다 @treasuremembers
[UPDATE as of 1am KST] Jaehyuk's Korean Birthday Hashtag '#억_재혁이_생일이다' is still trending #2 WORLWIDE and in 13 countries with 1.1M tweets. Happy Yoonderful Day #Sweet21JaehyukieDay @treasuremembers