#SuperStarSTARSHIP #EVENT ⠀ - Free Break all the Rules theme gift upon attendance! (once per account) - CRAVITY limited profiles too! - CRAVITY BG IMAGE on MY LOBBY! - Visit our Flower Shop as well!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewGroup #Debut #CRAVITY #크래비티 #Interview Houston, we have a problem. SS STARSHIP has detected a crazy amount of gravity... 죄송하게도 크래비티를 칠수 밖에 없어요. 크래비티한테 미칠수밖에 없다고요!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP MONSTA X #Rodeo updated -Bulldoze over the RODEO CHALLENGE! For the new theme cards and BG IMAGE -The new MONSTAX profiles are so lit! -Attendance for the new theme gift! (once per account) -Chance to put a MX BG IMAGE on My Lobby! -Level Up Free Pass on sale!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong #JEONGSEWOON Eye 2 Eye (PROD. Caesar & Loui) updated! ⠀ - Clear JEONGSEWOON missions for rewards! - What do you need the most? Inventory slots? - Daily Diamond membership offer! - My Record rewards for April!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #신곡 #JEONGSEWOON Eye 2 Eye (PROD. Caesar & Loui) 업데이트! ⠀ - #정세운 의 미션을 클리어하면 보상이~~? - 어떤게 부족하세요? [인벤토리 VS 카드] 상점에서 만날 수 있어요! - 매일 매일 다이아몬드를 받을 수 있는 월정액 상품을 만나보세요! - 4월 마이레코드 보상 도착!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong #CRAVITY #JUMPER updated! New #CRAVITY era opens up~~! ⠀ - Meet CRAVITY new theme! - Complete #JUMPER challenge mission for CRAVITY limited BG IMAGE
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong #WJSN #Secret (#비밀이야) updated! -#WJSN SECRET CHALLENGE, for new limited theme and limited BG IMAGE! -New theme gift upon attendance! (once per account) -Meet the limited profiles at Store right now! -New WJSN BG IMAGE available from BG IMAGE SHOP!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #WJSN #Secret (#비밀이야) 업데이트 -신규 한정테마와 한정배경을 얻을 수 있는 #우주소녀 SECRET CHALLENGE에 도전해보세요! -이벤트 기간 신규 테마를 드려요! (계정당 1회) -한정 프로필 지금 상점에서 만나요! -제 맘을 흔드는 우주소녀의 배경을 배경 상점에서 확인해보세요!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong MONSTA X #FANTASIA updated! - Play #MONSTAX comeback event for limited BG IMAGE and a chance to win FANTASIA signed CD! - New special limited profiles have arrived! - Check out the new My Lobby BG IMAGE! #FANTASIA_X #FANTASIA #MONSTAX_FANTASIA
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong #SISTAR #LONELY - Clear LONELY Missions for #SISTAR limited BG IMAGE! - Collect the shooting stars, open boxes! Might be a limited theme card inside! - 100 Store is here! (June 4~9) - My Record rewards for May!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong #WJSN #BUTTERFLY updated! This #WJSN comeback is so perfect my days are complete - Join WJSN COMEBACK EVENT to get 1. New theme 2. Limited BG IMAGE 3.Chance to get signed CD! - Want to keep and cherish the beauty? Meet limited profiles and BG IMAGE!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #신곡 #WJSN #BUTTERFLY 업데이트! 진짜 믿고 듣는 #우주소녀 곡은 더할나위 없이 좋다 ⠀ -우주소녀 COMEBACK EVENT에 참여하면 얻는 것 1. 신규 테마 2.한정배경 3.싸인 CD당첨 기회! ⠀ -제가 이 아름다움을 훔쳐도 되겠습니까? 한정 프로필과 마이로비 배경을 만나보세요!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong MONSTA X #ZONE UPDATED! - Clear ZONE CHALLENGE for BG IMAGE and limited theme cards! - Just play the game for #MONSTAX new theme card gift! (once per account) - New BG IMAGE released! - Let Diamonds rain, join the carnival!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #NewSong #CRAVITY Cloud 9 updated! I feel excited how about you? ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡ ⠀ - Limited theme and BG IMAGE from Cloud 9 EVENT! - #CRAVITY new profiles! - New theme gift is there! (once per account) - New MY LOBBY BG IMAGE!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP You you are shiny! The time is right now--☆☆ Clear #WJSN #HOLA EVENT for HOLA theme card and limited BG IMAGE! 넌 넌 빛이나! 바로 지금이야--☆☆ 눈 부셔 지금 이 한정배경 처럼 말이야! #우주소녀 HOLA EVENT를 클리어하면 #홀라 테마와 한정배경을 얻을 수 있는걸!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP MONSTA X "IT AIN’T OVER" updated! More focus towards the boys! ⠀ #MONSTAX limited profiles! Daily Diamond as well! ⠀ Go for IT AIN’T OVER CHALLENGE! MONSTA X PREMIUM PACK 30 awaits!⠀
#SuperStarSTARSHIP 업데이트 예고! 첫 정규 앨범 발매를 축하🎉합니다! 오늘 정기점검에선 #JEONGSEWOON 님의 신곡이 업데이트 될 예정이예요. (˘▾˘) 발매 기념 #슈스쉽 에 찾아온 특별한 인터뷰와 함께 #Say_yes 많이 많이 기대해 주세요! #정세운 #TWENTYFOUR #SAY_YES_내게로_흔들리면돼
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #JEONGSEWOON #Comeback <24> PART 1 RELEASED! So much hype going on! Clear the missions now for Say yes limited BG IMAGE and a chance to win first full album signed CD!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP Double this week! Two songs updated! ⠀ #MIND_U - #니가_궁금한_여름밤이야 (#Summer_Night_Story) (Feat. OuiOui, PLUMA) & #CRAVITY - #낯섦 (#Stay) updated! Play #SSS right now for the new songs
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #CRAVITY #EVENT #CRAVITY limited profiles Stay updated! Clear #Stay missions for new theme and limited BG IMAGE! Play for the attendance new theme card gift!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #WJSN #Pantomime updated! -All clear reward #WJSN LIMITED THEME PACK 5 ! Clear missions for the new theme! - WJSN limited profiles and new My Lobby BG IMAGE! ⠀
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #WJSN #Pantomime 업데이트 뭔지 알 것 같죠? 어떤 현란한 대사로 못채워요~! -최종보상은 #우주소녀 한정테마 팩5! 신규 테마를 얻을 수 있는 미션을 클리어하세요! -숨 멎을 듯한 뮽-흐 WJSN 한정 프로필 상품과 온 우주가 Stop! 신규 마이로비 배경을 만나보세요!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP MONSTA X #FLOW updated! MONSTA X COMMA & XIESTA EVENT At the end of these missions, #MONSTA_X signed 2020 PHOTO BOOK awaits! Play #MONSTA_X songs for LIMITED THEME PACK 5!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #SOYOU GOTTA GO updated! Thank you for waiting! Clear #SOYOU missions for new theme and BG IMAGE! Clear all missions for #GOTTAGO signed CD! SISTAR + SOYOU limited profile offer as well!
#SuperStarSTARSHIP #WJSN #눈부셔 (Oh My Summer) updated! - Join the game for the new theme gift! - #WJSN limited profiles! - No time to hesitate! Clear missions for WJSN limited BG IMAGE and WJSN 1ST signed PHOTO BOOK ON&OFF!