JIHYO of TWICE contributes the first OST for the new drama Summer Strike! Check out the lyrics & English translation to "이상한 하루 (A Strange Day)" on Genius now! #JIHYO_AStrangeDay #SummerStrike @JYPETWICE 🔗genius.com/Jihyo-a-strang…
ENHYPEN members Heeseung, Jay, and Jake have released the fourth OST for the KDrama #SummerStrike! Check out the lyrics to "Zero Moment" on Genius now! #ZEROMOMENT_OST @ENHYPEN_members 🔗genius.com/Enhypen-zero-m…
#TrueBeauty #LovetoHateYou #MrQueen #Unlocked and #SummerStrike will be available on Netflix in February!
직장인으로 태어났으면 한 번쯤은 여름이처럼 퇴사해봐야 한다고 생각.. 앗 지각이다 #아무것도하고싶지않아 #SummerStrike #김설현 #KimSeolHyun #넷플릭스 #Netflix