🌊GM #SuiPad Army⚡️ To celebrate upcoming Lunar New Year🧧, We are airdropping “100,00#SUIPIP tokens🪙” to be shared by 1000 random lucky winners who claim our OAT from @Galxe campaign!🤑 Claim your OAT here now👇 galxe.com/suipad/campaig… Good luck have fun!😉 #Sui #SuiPad
#OKX Wallet #Sui #Airdrop Carnival is on!🎊🎊 💰Prize: $5,0#SuiSui airdrop provided by #OKXWallet after the Sui Mainnet launch 🔰To join: Retweet and #FreeMints the Ticket OAT below to join the Carnival campaign🔥 🔗Detailed rules: galxe.com/OKXWEB3/campai…
🧧Wishing everyone a prosperous #LunarNewYear!🎇 Start the Year of the Rabbit off on a high note by launching your project on SuiPad🌊! #IDO #SuiPad #Sui #Suinami
SuiPad Army! We are proud to announce strategic partnership with @ComingChatApp 🔥 🎉To celebrate our partnership, we are giving: 🎁5x SuiPad OG 🥳5x ComingChat OG ▶️Follow @SuiPadxyz & @ComingChatApp ▶️Complete Crew3 Quests: comingchat.crew3.xyz/questboard #SuiPad #Sui
🔥GM SuiPad Army! We are teaming up with one of the most anticipated project on #Sui ! @SNSstork 🤝 @SuiPadxyz 🥳5 x WL Sui Name Services 😍5 x WL SuiPad Like, Follow all, RT, Tag your Squad, and join: discord.com/invite/c4ap7gW… 72 hrs.
⚡️Welcome onboard the first PVP real-time strategy game⚔️on #Sui ! Giving away: 🧑‍🌾WL x 5 @TheFarmWars 🌊WL x 5 @SuiPadxyz @Nobrakes_x Follow all, Like, Rt, and Tag your squad. 72 Hrs. #Suinami #SuiPad
#SuiPad Army y'all gotta love this 1:1 Art by @VivaClubNFT. We are giving away 10WL: ⚡️Follow all, Like, Rt, and Tag your Squad 72 hrs. #SuiPadxyz #SuiPad #Sui
Haven’t seen more immersive Web3 games than these. #Sui will be the home for AAA Games! Which ones of these would you like to see launching on #SuiPad? 🌊 Comment below👇 twitter.com/mysten_labs/st…
@EvanWeb3 2023 will be a Sui year! #Sui #SuiPadxyz
And this is what #Sui mean in Singapore 🇸🇬 Hope you have a Sui Morning ! 🤌
🔥New Marketing Advisor🔥 We are thrilled to announce @teddi_speaks as our new marketing advisor! He has built numerous successful Web3 projects in the space and we are excited that he sees the potential in #Sui ecosystem! Follow our journey in onboarding billions of users!
🥳New Brand Ambassador!🥳 We are happy to announce that @theNFTjosh has joined our team as a brand ambassador. With his many years of experience in DeFi and NFT, he will bring a wealth of expertise to our marketing strategy. Welcome aboard, 0xJosh! #SuiPad #Sui #IDO
Join us at @DeFiDiscussion AMA on Feb 2nd! 🚀 $100 prize pool from DefiNaut up for grab! Meanwhile we are giving away: 🌊 2 OG roles for two lucky winners: Like, RT, leave your questions in this Definaut reply! See you guys there fam 🫶 #SuiPadxyz #SuiNetwork #Sui #SuiPad twitter.com/DeFiDiscussion…
这个项目还不错就不去过多渲染项目本身了 Cetus是建立在 #Sui#Aptos 上的去中心化交易所,获得了OKX和Kucoin的种子轮领投,将于5月8日开启IDO 🎁🎁抽5个一级IDO白名单资格 关注我+ @CetusProtocol + @SnapFingersDAO ❤️点赞+转推 ⏰20h左右开奖
Leostudio x SuiGals #SuiGals is a Sui-Native NFT project incubated by @SuiWorldHQ aiming to create AIGC metaverse of diverse and talented visual idols. SuiGalsNFT WL x 3 ✅Follow @suigalsnft & @LeoStudio_LS ✅ Like & RT #Sui #Virtualidol #NFT  #Metaverse
🎅Mega Giveaway🎅 🎲10 freemint GOLDNFT spots! 🎲100 freemint spots ✅ Follow @CharmOrigins + RT +Tag friends ✅ Join Discord discord.gg/epg4TUJyFG ⏳ 96 hrs 📢The winners will be announced on Discord #freemint #nft #ETH #NFTshill #charmorigins #NFTGiveaway #Sui #galxe
🔥 #Sui 马上就上主网,现在是免费在测试链刷项目链上数据的最后时刻! 💰LOA @LegendofArcadia和SUI官方项目Cubic @cubicgamesxyz两大联手派发SUI测试币,简直是撸毛用户福音! 🎁50人*⏰48h 撸币链接:trantor.xyz/campaign/14087… #Airdorp #Giveaway 1.关注: @LegendofArcadia @cubicgamesxyztwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
💎charmorigins Giveaway💎 🔥freemint spots🔥 ✅ Follow @CharmOrigins + RT +Tag friends ✅Join Discord discord.gg/epg4TUJyFG . 🔥🔥drop eth adresses🔥🔥 #NFTcollections #NFTs #NFT #NFTCommumity #NFTMint #NFTartist #NFTartwork #NFTshill #NFTGiveaway #Sui
We are excited to onboard @Web_3space as one of our Media Partner!🌊 Through this collaboration we will support and grow the #Sui ecosystem by leveraging our resources within the space. #Suinami #IDO #ISO #INO
無法討好每一個人,但肯定能討好自己的胃。拒絕不良風氣,由你我做起!4️⃣4️⃣4️⃣ Sui即將上線,你期待嗎?請在本文轉推 + 留言預測5月4號中午12:00 的價格,最接近的2位幸運兒每人50 U #Sui #SuiFoundation #Binance  #OKX  #Bybit #Kucoin #BitgetWallet
#快闪 DAO Maker上的SUI链新项目 🔥抽8个 SuiPad公募的白 ❶ 关注@SuiPadxyz & @xueqiu88 ❷ 转推 & 点赞 8h #Sui #IDO
🎉使用虚幻五引擎打造的3A大作深渊世界@AbyssWorldHQ ,被 #Sui 链各类官媒相继转发。这个激动人心的项目得到了 Mysten Labs 的慷慨资助,并得到了 AMD、Epic 和 IGN 等行业巨头的支持。 🎉 🎁抽取3个白名单🎁 1️⃣ Follow @AbyssWorldHQ + @shirleylove107 2️⃣ 转发 & ❤️点赞 & @ 3个朋友 ⏳24hrs
24 キャンペーン
🎁 SUI NFT WL Giveaway 🎁 賞品: 🏆 下記のすべてのプロジェクトに対して10 WL 応募方法: 1⃣@SuiVerseNFT_@MUOoo_nft@JoinMetaZeus@DaughtersOfInis@DaichiCatsNFT をフォローする。 2⃣RT & ❤️ をする。 3️⃣3人の友達をタグ付けする。 #NFT #Sui #SuiVerseNft #NFTCommunity #WLGiveaway
#thesuipunks Giveaway🎁 今かなり話題のSui punks💧 海外でもかなり注目されているプロジェクト👀 🏆WL × 10名 1️⃣Follow @theSuiPunks @leon_gamefi 2️⃣RT+Like 3️⃣Tag 3 Friend 4️⃣Join Discord discord.gg/h4hr2bumKe ⏰締切 : 48H #WLgiveaway #Sui #Punks #Giveaway