A pro-Trump #StopTheSteal march is being held right now in Tokyo. Hours before the #January6th march takes place in America, these people are holding their own event supporting the claim that Trump actually won the 2020 election.
再三のお願いですが、 トランプさんの応援に限り 著作権は行使しませんので ご自由にお使いください! 1月6日が一つの山場です・・・・(ーдー) #Trump2021ToSaveAmerica #FightForTrump #MAGA #StopTheSteal #ホワイトハウス
Thank you very much for letting me interview you today, Ali! Many Japanese people are supporting #StopTheSteal movement! The world is watching. I respect all the efforts that you and American patriots are putting in to. Designate CCP as a transnational criminal organization. twitter.com/ali/status/133…
ワシントンDCへ向かう愛国者のみなさんです。どこまでも続く長い列ができています。#MarchForTrump #StopTheSteal
Gotta watch! Live right now. #StopTheSteal #Georgia 手作業で再集計が行われているジョージア州での抗議集会! t.co/whBlgK4hTD