Una photocard de Seungmin y el peluche SKZOO PuppyM aparecieron como cameo en una película 🍿 Filipina #SEUNGMIN #StarsAndRaindrops #StrayKids @Stray_Kids
Photoshoot individual Seungmin en la nueva colección de MAHAGRID x Stray Kids #StrayKids #SEUNGMIN #StarsAndRaindrops @Stray_Kids
Seungmin continúa siendo viral en Tailandia con los internautas, debido a este videoclip en donde sonríe muy lindamente mientras se presenta y saluda en tailandés 💗 El video cuenta con 1.3M de visitas 🐶 #SEUNGMIN #StarsAndRaindrops @Stray_Kids twitter.com/SEUNGM1NE/stat…
'Stars And Raindrops' #StarsAndRaindrops by Seungmin of #StrayKids @Stray_Kids is my choice for Billboard Hot Trending Songs open.spotify.com/track/5kFGqKqH…
[#HotTrendingSongs] 🔒 200 replies + 500 retweets 'Stars And Raindrops' #StarsAndRaindrops by Seungmin of #StrayKids @Stray_Kids is my choice for Billboard Hot Trending Songs open.spotify.com/track/5kFGqKqH…
Currently listening to 'Stars And Raindrops' #StarsAndRaindrops by Seungmin of #StrayKids @Stray_Kids
SEUNGMIN's voice was made for angsty songs like his solo track on Stray Kids' new album. Check out the lyrics to "내려요 (Stars and Raindrops)" from #SKZREPLAY on Genius now! #StarsAndRaindrops #SEUNGMIN @Stray_Kids 🔗genius.com/Seungmin-stars…