Sorry I'm late, been busy and finally had time to draw this! But seriously, game gyarus/crossover episode? 👀👀👀👀 Thank you @OldSwifty @EllePowerr @LordDirk @michaeldoigart @AngryangryD @noitibmar @Epifex @planetrazzmataz #StarlightBrigade #KnightsoftheLightTable A M A Z I N
Feeling nostalgic. This was a fake trailer I cut together for #StarlightBrigade once production was completed. That being said, here's a reminder to go and watch the music video again!… @TWRPband @KotLT_Animation @OldSwifty @DoigSwift
Six arms for maximum hugging power. #StarlightBrigade #TWRP #KotLT @KotLT_Animation