昨日の集会にご参加頂きましてありがとうございました。 #香港返還25年#国安法2年 さらに新しい行政長官が就任された日、決して祝う日ではないことを発信したい。 香港で禁止されているスローガン、「#光復香港時代革命」は世界中に響くことを願います。 写真:@cccwwwsss1 #StandWithHongKong
🇯🇵 HongKongers in Shibuya Crossing on 2022.7.2 #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/StandwithHK_JP…
#HongKongers: on this day, #831, I stand with you as firmly as ever. We will never forget. We will never give up. We will continue to pursue justice and #FightForFreedom and #StandWithHongKong Here’s my message for you: with my ❤️
Hong Kong activists rescued by thousands with cars after HK authorities shut down public transits and tried to block activists from returning home from the airport. #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong Painting by @RickerChoi twitter.com/RickerChoi/sta…
A photo in an exhibit in Arles, France. #HongKong Do you know what this shows? The #FightForFreedom may continue in many ways, in different medium. #StandWithHongKong
查了一下,还真有此事,BBC 曾经有过报道。 #彭定康 #StandWithHongKong
This is magnificent. "Glory to #HongKong" should be played at every single opportunity around the world - at sports matches and cultural events whenever possible #StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom twitter.com/krislc/status/…
Jimmy Lai had been detained in #HongKong for over 2 years. Today (Dec 8) is his birthday. What do you like to tell him? if he can see this? #FreeJimmyLai #StandWithHongKong
#StandWithHongKong #FightForFreedom Thank you #HongKong for your incredible courage 👇💕🙏 twitter.com/WINDSONG20221/…
Chinese protestors sent videos to their friends to repost in case they disappeared... Sounds familiar? #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong Source: reddit.com/r/HongKong/com…
祝大家兔年平安大吉,百毒不侵! 香港人🐰氣揚眉! 光復香港,時代革命! #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong