Last week our Chief Executive @benedictrogers was on @trtworld to discuss the deteriorating human rights situation in #HongKong and why the international community must #StandWithHongKong and respond. You can watch the full interview 👇👇👇. twitter.com/benedictrogers…
We found a Chinese flag so we made it a bit better before we hung it up again. #StandWithHongKong
香港チームが五輪開会式登場した際に私は一つの夢ができました。 これからの五輪で香港がメダルを取った際に、演奏するのは中国の国歌ではなく、「香港に栄光あれ」を演奏してもらえる日が来ることを。 「中国香港」ではなく、「香港」を。 #Tokyo2020 #OlympicGames #香港 #StandWithHongKong
Please #RT if you want to watch "Revolution of Our Times." We all know China will intimidate any platform that hosts the movie. We are here to counter it, to demonstrate #PEOPLE's #POWER and support a genuine artwork that deserves praise. #StandWithHongKong @RoOT_film
Turned 28 today and grateful for all the support received in the past year. Will continue to be a voice of Hong Kong, and urge the world to build a stronger global democracy. 🎂🎉 #StandWithHongKong
Our co-founder and Chief Executive @benedictrogers's Chinese characters have been turned into a postcard for #HongKong by a very courageous #HongKonger 👇 #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/benedictrogers…
中国人に妨害されようとも我々は止まりません。 今回は日本のバンドに誘われ、MVの出演がありました! 内容はもちろん、「あの国」への訴えになります。 皆さまの力で是非拡散して頂きたいです。 YOUTUBE youtube.com/watch?v=mCQHLW… Let's Fxxx xxxxxx instead #MV #香港 #CCP #StandWithHongKong
One of the most high-profile podcasts I have done, and one of the most impressive one. Thank @DavidAltonHL for making this possible. Hongkongers' voices should be heard by people who believe in democracy. #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/davidaxelrod/s…
昨日の追悼集会とデモは妨害がありましたが、無事に終えることができました。 もう一度日本警察の方々に御礼を申し上げます。 そして、昨日も香港で亡くなられた同志がいました。警察を襲ってから自害しました。血まみれな1日。。。 #CCP100 #中国共産党100年 #StandWithHongKong
“The art of a people is a true mirror to their minds.” –Jawaharlal Nehru #StandWithHongKong #CCP100 twitter.com/rachel_cheung1…
On the eve of the first anniversary of the draconian #NationalSecurityLaw that has destroyed #HongKong’s freedoms, and the 24th anniversary of the handover of #HK as well as #CPC100, we will continue to #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong. #NothingtoCelebrate #CPC100
いよいよ後3日となりました。今年の7/1は中国共産党結党の100周年ですが決してめでたいことではないことを我々は強く訴えます。 人権侵害の政党の祝いをさせてはいけません。皆様、コロナの中で申し訳ありませんがどうかご参加を🙇🏿‍♂️ 香港人,71新宿見 #香港 #光復香港時代革命 #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/StandwithHK_JP…
Today’s front page of “Apple Daily”🍎 “SWHK and Atlantic Council launch new US-China policy report” Join us at the Atlantic Council X SWHK event: atlanticcouncil.org/event/hong-kon… #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
There were never Rioters Only Tyranny Help us fight tyranny Join us at the Atlantic Council X SWHK event: bit.ly/3d9chhS #FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong
今日のアップルデイリーの休刊の問題で産経新聞に取材されました。ぜひご一読を。 香港の言論の自由がもう完全になくなりましたが、決して諦めません。 #香港 #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/Sankei_news/st…
7. We are saddened, but we won't give up. I will continue the work in the diasporic community, with supporting more on reporting on the ground and preserving its culture. Hope all of you are also supporting the struggles of Hong Kong people as well. #StandWithHongKong -END
Honoured to be part of the #EconFutureOfDemocracy forum. The event is being broadcast on Thursday, June 24th 2021 - 9 am EDT / 2 pm BST / 3 pm CEST. For registration: bit.ly/3v5REJA @TheEconomist @pewresearch #StandWithHongKong
The only "tool" that we can see here is the government using National Security Law as a pretext to snuff out press freedom and freedom of information. This is not rule of law but #RulebyLaw #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/hkfp/status/14…
またリンゴ日報の資産凍結が今日行われました。理由は国安法違反です。 香港政府はこうして我々を黙らせようとしています。 絶対にそうはさせません。 我々は訴え続けます。 日本の皆さんもぜひお力を貸してください。 #香港 #香港デモ #StandWithHongKong #CCP twitter.com/jiji_gaishin/s…
Hang in there, Apple Daily. Whether we are in Hong Kong or abroad, we will always support your newspaper. #StandWithHongKong
This is yet another crackdown on the press freedom in Hong Kong. The National Security Law is not a law to achieve "security", but only to turn Hong Kong into an Orwellian state. The international community must not turn a blind eye to this. #StandWithHongKong twitter.com/tomgrundy/stat…
Timelapse of 2 million Hong Kongers creating history by marching through the streets of Hong Kong on 2019.6.16 Source: @StandNewsHK #StandWithHongKong
No matter our differences, 6.16 demonstrated that Hong Kongers have the ability to collectively work together towards common goals, no matter how large or how small the goal is. #StandWithHongKong