NCC Film Festival Awards EP.03 ▶️youtu.be/SoRvfMvdr3g NCC电影节颁奖仪式DAY-3 颁奖典礼逐渐进入白热化! 舞台表演也越来越火热🔥 今天的获奖者们又带来了哪些精彩的表演呢? #BOSS #BOYSTORY #NCCTV #SpringFestival
Dear Detectives, the mysterious trace leads them to the thief! Find out who stole the "Goddess" in the third and final act!🪆 #IdentityV #SpringFestival
NCC Film Festival Awards EP.04 ▶️youtu.be/X0Xhil7AGFA NCC电影节颁奖仪式DAY-4 经过如火如荼的颁奖环节🔥 我们的颁奖典礼也走向了尾声😂 在闭幕式上会有哪些惊喜舞台呢? 一起来看吧~ #BOSS #BOYSTORY #NCCTV #SpringFestival
Dear Detectives! Welcome to the theatre for the premiere of the show! Everyone is in their best outfits this evening! May you find your fortunes this year!🎆 #IdentityV #SpringFestival
#SpringFestival wishes from #Beijing's Chaoyang District, home to me and many foreign envoys and journalists.
Beautiful Dingbu Bridge in Zhejiang Province that inspired #SpringFestival Gala dance drama "Stepping Stones". Also known as “Piano Bridge” for its keyboard-like stepping stones, it is one of the oldest bridges of its kind in the world & part of the unique charm of South China.
Week-long #SpringFestival holiday has seen a surge in travel&consumption in China: -As of Jan. 27, box office sales exceeded 6bln yuan (about $892mln); -43.5mln passenger trips were made on Jan. 26 alone; -many tourist attractions have reached upper limit of carrying capacity.
SW China's Chongqing is truly visitors friendly. Teeming with tourists during the #SpringFestival holiday, the city stopped traffic on several roads and bridges to give visitors better experience of sightseeing and picture-taking.
大年初七,你已经返程/开工了吗?开工的同时,也记得打开欧易看一看🤩 祝大家开工大吉、财源滚滚!上次的微信红包封面秒没,今天加仓一批,扫图2二维码可领🧧 🔃关注+转发,再抽50U开工红包! #OKX #SpringFestival #USDTether
A sea of happy faces on the Shichahai Ice Skating Rink during the #SpringFestival.
China's week-long #SpringFestival holiday saw: -308mln visitors at local tourist destinations -$55.4bln spent on domestic tourism -$991mln box office These numbers speak to Chinese confidence in their country, passion for life & faith in a better future.