Wow! I really love this. Thank you. "My name is Stone. Stag Stone." #SonicMovie #AgentStone twitter.com/RobertsBrittin…
FOUND IT!!! Hidden treasure at my parents' place! Brings back so many memories. Can't wait to try it when I've got some time! It's just missing one component. @SEGA 💙 #SonicMovie #Sega #SegaGenesis #Sonic #SonicTheHedgehog #Sonic2 #SonicTheHedgehog2 #Nostalgia
This is amazing!!! I love it! 💙 #SonicMovie twitter.com/BradBradleyArt…
Thank you everyone for another FANtastic weekend! I can't believe the amount of love and support you've given everybody involved in @SonicMovie 💙 This was from my first day on set. @fowltown @JimCarrey and the entire team were so welcoming and gracious. #SonicMovie #Positivity
This. Is. SO. Cool! @eldricher Thank you! I love this so much! #AgentStone is going on rockonnaissance & he will not be stopped. #Fanart #SonicMovie #SonicTheHedgehog #Robotnik #Rockonnaissance
Love love love these two @SonicMovie art pieces by #coloronthewallz for #FANartFriday 1. Striking a pose. What song are Stone & Robotnik listening to? 2. Amazing Gender Bend 💙 #SonicMovie #SonicTheHedgehog #Robotnik #Stone #Dance #StrikeAPose
Thank you to all of you that have made #SonicMovie the #1 movie in the world!! Wow. #Gratitude twitter.com/SonicMovie/sta…
This is my nephew. @SonicMovie is his first movie in the theaters. My heart. I'm so blessed to be part of something like #SonicMovie which is bringing so much joy to so many kids and people in the world. 💙 #Nephew #Joy #SonicTheHedgehog #Love #Movies
I love this article! Thank you! #SonicMovie twitter.com/CBR/status/122…
Wow, he’s going faster than we thought! Congrats on No.1 debut in the US, and Go SONIC!!! #SonicMovie
Wow! Thank you all so much! Btw... @rejectedjokes it's super easy to calculate... you carry the one, multiply by a quill, and you're there! Duh! 💙 #SonicMovie twitter.com/rejectedjokes/…
This is absolutely insane! The fans have been wonderful! None of this was possible without you! #SonicMovie #Fans twitter.com/rejectedjokes/…
映画ソニックが日本以外の国で公開を迎えたようですね。好意的なコメントが多いので日本での3月27日公開が楽しみです。公開されたと言う事は私のエキストラ出演の願いも聞き届けられなかったと言うのが残念です。海外の映画館で売られてるソニックグッズ気になりますね。 #映画ソニック #SonicMovie twitter.com/nakayuji/statu…
This blue hedgehog thing keeps following me! Happy release day @SonicMovie !! #CatchSonic in theaters today!! #SonicMovie
Happy ValenStone's day! @SonicMovie is out today! I can't wait for all of you to see it! It's the greatest Valentine's Day movie of all time! :) Why, you ask? Go #CatchSonic & you'll find out ♡ Thank you @DorkZombie for the #FanArt 💙 #FanArtFriday #SonicMovie #ValetinesDay
Metal Sonic but he's been build by #SonicMovie Eggman
They keep following me around! Shout out to the incredible @SonicMovie stunt team! The action sequences in this movie are absolutely insane! Check out their work in theaters! #SonicMovie opens Feb.14th, but you may be able to catch a Thursday night showing! #Stunts #CatchSonic
This is so wholesome! It out a smile on my face... ear to ear! #SonicMovie twitter.com/ParamountUK/st…
So surreal to see all the billboards for @SonicMovie in #NYC! Early responses to the movie have been amazing! Please give everyone a chance to enjoy the movie! #NoSpoilers 💙 Ps. The fan in me had to copy this Sonic pose. #SonicMovie #NewYork #TimesSquare #SoCool #Sega #Paramount
New @SonicMovie Spot! Watch till the end and you'll get a better understanding of the #Robotnik & #AgentStone relationship! #SonicMovie #LeftYourselfOpen Btw... ain't Sonic cute?!?!