Thank you, @VPsomaliland, for warmly congratulating @iingwen & @ChingteLai on their #Taiwan520 inauguration. #Taiwan & #Somaliland share the same democratic values, & we look forward to working together for the good of humankind.…
We've signed an agreement with #Somaliland to establish good relations. A #Taiwan Representative Office will be set up in this independent country on the Horn of #Africa. We're thousands of miles apart, but share a deep-seated love of freedom & democracy. JW
It was a great pleasure to meet Somaliland Foreign Minister @HagiMohamoud earlier this year. #Taiwan & #Somaliland are building bilateral ties based on shared values, & we look forward to opening representative offices in both countries to expand mutually beneficial cooperation.…
We warmly welcome President @musebiihi's appointment of Amb. Mohamed Omar Hagi Mohamoud as the #Somaliland representative to #Taiwan. A political scientist & senior diplomat, @mohamed_hagi will make a fine addition to the country's diplomatic corps.
#Taiwan & #Somaliland have agreed to establish good relations, exchange representatives & open respective representative offices. The friendship centers on creating mutually beneficial opportunities in agriculture, education, energy, fisheries, health, ICT & mining. Learn more🔽…
Great that @mohamed_hagi braved #China's pressure to arrive in Taiwan. We thank @WHNSC for commending #Taiwan-#Somaliland ties. The fact "sovereignty & friendship aren’t for sale" deserves international recognition. JW…
An important milestone for the #Taiwan-#Somaliland partnership! Today we opened the Taiwan Representative Office in Somaliland. We are bound together by our shared values of freedom, democracy, justice & the rule of law, ideals that will guide our future cooperation.
We're all excited to see @HagiMohamoud & Rep. Lou open the Taiwan Representative Office in Somaliland. My commitment: #Somaliland has a friend in #Taiwan & me. No time is to be wasted, & we'll immediately start cooperation projects to directly benefit the people. JW…
Great to welcome you to HQ, @AmbMohamedHagi! The opening ceremony for your office Sept. 9 is a strong step forward in #Taiwan-#Somaliland ties. As like-minded partners, we'll promote peace, prosperity & safeguard our democratic ways of life as per the #TaiwanModel. JW
Minister Wu wrote a new chapter in history at the Sept. 9 opening of the The Republic of #Somaliland Representative Office in #Taiwan. Our heartiest congratulations to @musebiihi, @HagiMohamoud & @AmbMohamedHagi for helping make possible this momentous moment in bilateral ties.
Congratulations @musebiihi, @HagiMohamoud & @AmbMohamedHagi on opening the Somaliland Representative Office in Taiwan. Your efforts have set the stage for a successful partnership between #Taiwan & #Somaliland, as we strive to uphold our shared values of freedom & democracy.…
Happy National Day! Celebrations this year are all the more special with the opening of the #Taiwan Representative Office in #Somaliland. A big thank you to the 9 ministers who attended the ceremony, as well as our other freedom- & democracy-loving friends in the Horn of #Africa.…
Delighted to welcome #Somaliland’s first Representative to #Taiwan, @AmbMohamedHagi. We look forward to strengthening bilateral cooperation between our two nations based on shared democratic values, & providing mutual support in the int'l community.
President @musebiihi, glad to see our collaboration is bearing fruit. As fellow democracies, I'm sure there is a bright future ahead for the #Taiwan-#Somaliland partnership.…
Combating #COVID19 takes #AllHandsOnDeck. This is why we're working with TSMC Charity Foundation & Medtecs Group in facilitating the donation of coveralls, hazmat suits, head covers, isolation gowns, masks & shoe covers to #Eswatini, #StLucia & #Somaliland. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp🇹🇼
Minister Wu & @DeputyLiban, acting minister of @somalilandmfa, held a productive & rewarding virtual. Talks were extensive, spanning key topics like #Taiwan-#Somaliland cooperation projects, joint efforts combating #COVID19 & avenues for promoting mutually beneficial relations.
Democracy in action is a beautiful thing. It's truly a privilege to assist #Somaliland in staging the inaugural combined parliamentary & local council elections. #Taiwan heartily congratulates its friend & partner in the Horn of #Africa for free & fair #SomalilandElections2021.…
Congratulations to the people & government of Somaliland on conducting the country's first combined parliamentary & local council elections. #Taiwan stands with #Somaliland, a model for democracy in the region.…
It's a tremendous privilege speaking with @musebiihi. The president's commitment to holding the elections is a critical step toward consolidating #Somaliland's democracy—an admirable model worthy of emulation. #Taiwan will keep working closely with the Somaliland government. JW
Minister Wu & @DeputyLiban, acting minister of @somalilandmfa, inked the #Taiwan-#Somaliland Medical Cooperation Agreement. The pact, an example of the #TaiwanModel in action, enables our #HornOfAfrica friend & partner to boost health care services capacity benefiting the people.
On Aug. 17, 2020, a new chapter in history was written. The opening of the #Taiwan Representative Office in #Somaliland showed what can be achieved when those who love freedom, democracy & justice stand united. Watch Minister Wu's anniversary message & join in our celebrations!🔽
Excellent video conference between Minister Wu & new @somalilandmfa Minister Essa Kayd Mohamud Raagsale. The pair discussed robust #Taiwan-#Somaliland relations & ways of expanding exchanges in core sectors. We'll keep making real progress together for the benefit of the people!
Vice Minister Yui presided over the launch of the #Taiwan Expo 2021 in #Somaliland. The event spotlighted an array of the country's high-quality products & our friend's standing as a strategic gateway to the lucrative East Africa market. Our thanks to @SaajinSaad for the support!
.@Taiwan_SLD acting Rep. Wu & @HassanGafadhi signed a pact for the donation of 150K #Medigen #COVID19 vaccine doses by #Taiwan to #Somaliland. The shots will save lives, advance bilateral ties & forge progress on realizing the @WHO's vision of #HealthForAll. Yes! #TaiwanCanHelp
Deputy Minister Tseng extended a hearty #Taiwan welcome to the #Somaliland ministerial delegation led by @DrEssaKayd & comprising Saad Ali Shire of @slmofd, @OmarAmoud & @saeed_sulub. We wish our #HornOfAfrica friends & partners a successful 5-day visit! ▶️…